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The Vizier

159 bytes removed, 21:58, 15 July 2018
Slightly altered Fifth and Sixth marks to be more general.
# '''Ascension: The Greater Good:''' The Vizier has touched me, tapping my shoulder to gain my attention. My voice is now as a whisper, and I can see the course I must take as clear as the sun. I know this to be the Third Mark.
# '''Ascension: The Greater Good:''' The Fourth Mark brings sleeplessness. My efforts have left my body weak, but rest is a luxury I cannot afford. I have ordered a traitor to be brought before me to be questioned. Tomorrow he shall be executed. The day after that, I shall tear down those that seek to destroy what I have built. All shall be well in the end.
# '''Ascension: The Greater Good:''' The Fifth Mark causes others to find me difficult to spot until I speak. I seem to fade into the background of the world. My master has begun to oppose my plans. They Others call me cruel and heartless. They do not understandthat necessity of it all. # '''Ascension: The Greater Good:''' Conversation dies when I draw within earshot. I see the threads of History, trailing behind each person, each place, each event, and each moment. I merely need to reach out and tug on them to change it all. I feel no sorrow or remorse for my acts, for they were necessary. The guards have been sent to collect me. They can feel the Sixth Mark within me.
# '''The Silent Revolution:''' I have passed through the Tricuspid Gate, still in service to something greater than I. My mind is sharp as a blade, my body indefatigable, my fervour brighter than ever. I will walk the world in service to the Vizier, reweaving History to my liking. I shall not grow old. Perhaps I will rebel. Perhaps I will rise higher yet, though not too high.

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