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The More-Opened

48 bytes added, 21:13, 8 August 2018
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| owners = [[User:Cospinol|Cospinol]]
'''The More-Opened''', also known as '''The Doubling Wound''' is one of the Hours of [[the Second Fansus]], created by [[User:Cospinol|Cospinol]]. His primary aspect is [[:Category:Knock|Knock]]. He seeks to enter beyond the Mansus, and beyond the Glory. It was not the first, nor the fifth, nor thousandth wound that had opened his way, but the way was opened in time. From Nowhere he comes, his being a pulsating wound forever opening and opening again to bring forth new ways. His knowledge is an aggressive one, a defiling one, wherein the bound is pushed to breakage and then pushed once more. It is a cruel passage gained in part simply because it can. The language Chimu is associated with this hour.
== History ==

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