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Latest revision as of 15:16, 23 August 2018

The Unmaking of the Maker is a book from the Fansus timeline. The author is unknown.


This book is written in an almost academic format, like a student writing an essay. The author does not divulge their name.

Study Text Start

'There was once a God-from-Stone, one of many consumed by The Engine during the Ignition. The Architeuthian took affront to this, for he desired the Forge-power that The Maker had. That power now exists somewhere deep within The Engine. It is foolish for The Architeuthian to combat this consuming power directly, so he wages a secret war against its followers, across the Histories.'

Study Start Finish

'Shortly after the Ignition, The Architeuthian came to remaining servants of The Maker, the Unfinished, and offered them a deal. Vengeance for their dead god, and an avenue of further advancement, in the service of the Architeuthian. The rest were either slain, or left to the whims of other Hours.'