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Latest revision as of 15:30, 23 August 2018

The Story of_ is a book from the Fansus timeline. The author is FNORD.


In ages past, before knowledge of the means to do so were suppressed, adepts would bargain with a power from beyond with pieces of themselves. Small things at first, then precious chunks. This is the account of one such fool.

Study Text Start

The foolish mortal vows to only trade what he perceives to be his "worst qualities", and because of this thinks themselves safe. They are unprepared when the cunning spider starts to take the memory of such qualities' existence along with them.

Study Start Finish

'Take my fear of heights! Take my nervousness! Take my regrets!...... Take my first kiss! Take my memory of mother! Take my memory of father! Take my home... Take my guilt. Take my shame. Take my envy. Take my restraint. Take... take... tak..e..' It would be easier to list what wasn't traded by the time the account ends. At the bottom of the last page, written evenly in a different hand, are instructions. A door in your mind clicks.