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The Snow-Stained, also called the Bully's Stick and, more ceremonially, the Brass-Beater, is one of the Hours of the Fansus, created by some cancerous infestation of the brain. It is a God-From-Blood from a time that no longer properly exists, except in the swinging of sticks and the damage inflicted by blunt force trauma.


The Bully's Stick was made when a powerful occultist beat up time with a lead pipe. Their consciousness was sucked into the pipe by the force of it, and the pipe itself was empowered, both by the drubbing itself and by the act of stealing the conclusion the beating had been meant to avoid. It is called the Snow-Stained for the snow-melt that soaks the blue-gray coat of its former body and current vehicle. Its mind was dulled considerably in the process, leaving it to pursue its goals almost aimlessly.


The Bully's Stick is aligned with Heart, Forge and Edge. It is the damage done; it harms, but never kills, and whatever it harms, it causes to change. It is ugly, hateful, petty and violent. It is rarely invoked by those who expect to live comfortable lives. It is loved by survivors and by brutes in equal measure, for the harm it causes and the conclusions it prevents. It has been described as raucous, dynamic and persistent. It deforms whatever it strikes.


It makes its home in the walls and pipes of the Mansus, which it is capable of fitting into effortlessly, despite its bulk. In an especially deep place within the Mansus' labyrinthine plumbing, it keeps mementos from its various attacks. These mementos contain a great deal of what made the people who owned them what they were; should an enterprising Occultist recover them, those fragments could be invoked.







See Also