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The Reminisce

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The Fansus
* [[The Neoplasm]]: Surrounding the FNORD is a the vast organic landscape that marks called the Recollections territoryNeoplasm. reaches of the recollections, the Neoplasm is considered the (WIP)
* [[The Wall of Ages]]: Surrounding The outermost layer of the Recollections domain is perhaps the most organically inorganic constructs in the House; A a membrane like barrier, formed from countless stacked structures of and formations both nature natural and man piled one atop unnatural, known as the otherWall of Ages.
Believed to have been created by the Once-More as a peremptory measure against it's many potential threats, The Wall of Ages appears as a massive makeshift wall; constructed from countless structures and formations throughout the histories piled atop one another. Both natural and unnatural structures appear in the wall, with formations growing older the further up one travels. The layout and composition of the integrated structures all appear to randomly shift in culture and/or region at varying intervals-possibly at will.

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