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31 bytes added, 04:17, 20 July 2019
no edit summary
* [[The Spirarch]]: "Why are you so afraid, Spirarch? What scares you so? You have forgotten what it means to be Forge."
* [[The Perennial]]: "Not so bad, half the time anyway."
* [[The Red LadyFaceless King]]: "Decay hidden beneath an alluring facade. I will burn away those silken lies of yoursHow sad.Let us see how your torment may be ended!"
* [[The Hunter]]: "Perfection in one sphere! But why restrict yourself to only the hunt?"
* [[The Masquerade]]: "You are a confusing one aren't you? Maybe you can help me shape the minds of humanity."
* [[The Knife's Edge]]: "I like you."
* [[The Princess Prominent]]: "If I give you toys and let you nap by my flames will you rerain from knocking over my tools? Yes? We have a deal then."
* [[The Warrior MaidUltimate Emperor]]: "What would I have no idea where you do came from, but if I am successful? What is your place when death has been conquered by force of will?you interrupt my work there shall be trouble."
* [[The Ferric Brand]]: "Reshape the flesh, yes yes, but why stop there? Reprogram the mind! Reforge the soul!"
* [[The Partisan]]: "My masterwork! My pride and joy! We'll show them some time, don't worry."
* [[The Monument]]: "You're not so bad. The future is nothing without the past. Just don't get in my way."
* [[The Cub]]: "Why are you so attached to the Law?"
* [[The SeraphInk]]: "Play on!What a nice chap he is. Pity his work is so flammable, or I would visit more often."
* [[Our Lady Betrayed]]: "... I really hope I never piss you off."
* [[The Shambling DawnFool Unrepentant]]: "False Dawn! Leave my sight, lest I burn your visions to ashWhat."
* [[The Worm Funktastic]]: "Doot... Doot? What does that even mean. Regardless, I like your style."
* [[The More-Opened]]: "Stop putting holes in my work."
* [[The Unending Worm]]: "Quest for the Glory, not a dumb tree."
* [[The ClavierThorned Courier]]: "Stop twisting Always chattering in my purview you semi-real bitchear when I'm trying to work. I need to invent voice mail some time."
* [[The Trickster Princes]]: "Freedom is good, but do you have to make everything into a joke?"

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