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(Acton (Cospinol))
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== Knock ==
== Knock ==
=== Belinda (Anaconda) ===
Troublemaker - Belinda has never left a shred of evidence behind her.</br>
=== Skye ([[User:Lyrositor|Lyrositor]]) ===  
Acquaintance - Belinda is as sophisticated as a member of the royal family. </br>
Follower - Belinda can never be convicted of anything.</br>
| '''Acquaintance''' || Skye knows no problem lies beyond her ability when her mind is set on it, but wearies of mundane puzzles.
Disciple - Belinda only needs to touch a lock, now.</br>
Ophede - Belinda has never been seen anywhere that she does not belong.</br>
| '''Believer'''    || Skye refuses the world's easy answers. She cultivates her mind as a farmer tills his field.
Prisoner - It is devastatingly hard to keep Belinda locked away.</br>
=== James (Amets) ===
| '''Disciple'''    || Skye has begun to smile more. Perhaps because of what she has learned; more likely because of what she has yet to learn.
Troublemaker - James is turning breaking and entering into an art form, one building at a time.</br>
Acquaintance - James never hesitates to enter. </br>
| '''Ophede'''      || Few things lie beyond Skye's grasp now, but those few that do are what she lives for.
Follower - James plies his trade with a hacksaw rather than a lockpick.</br>
Disciple - James only entertains the idea of doors as a thought exercise.</br>
| '''Troublemaker''' || Skye is fond of answering simple solutions with complex problems.
Ophede - James' disregard for walls, doors and windows permits us into the most unexpected places.</br>
Prisoner - James would escape his cuffs the way water escapes a broken cup. We know better than that.</br>
| '''Prisoner'''    || Skye has bet she can break her chains faster than we can repair them. Let us hope we can keep pace.
=== Bryn ([[User:Evoro, Paints-in-Blood|Evoro]]) ===
| '''Acquaintance''' || Neighbours complain about the noise often - so Bryn has opted to do away with neighbours entirely.
| '''Believer'''    || They are thin and malnourished; some swear Bryn has even grown a few inches taller from their time beneath the earth.
| '''Disciple'''    || "I am digging," they explain, "to reach the Glory in the centre of the earth. But I suppose I can dig a few extra tunnels for you."
| '''Burrower'''    || With but shovel and pick, Bryn has crafted tunnels that span as far as the eye can see in the squalid darkness, and further still.
| '''Troublemaker''' || Frequent reports of "disturbances" come from their home. Every time, we find nothing but a deep hole, and the distant sound of metal striking stone.
| '''Prisoner'''    || We ensure Bryn's cell has thick stone and allow no access to metal utensils. To them, bloodied hands and snapped wooden spoons are tools enough.
=== Name (Owner) ===
Troublemaker - </br>
Acquaintance - </br>
Follower - </br>
Disciple - </br>
Ophede - </br>
Prisoner - </br>
== Moth ==
== Moth ==
=== Aine (Anaconda) ===
=== John (Will) ===
Troublemaker: She has never kept anything for long.</br>
'''Troublemaker''' - John has finally found his calling, and seeks to share what he has found. </br>
Acquaintance: A mysterious lady whose finances never seem to run dry.</br>
'''Acquaintance''' - John has led a life without distinction. </br>
Believer: Aine knows a hundred thousand little bits of trivia, but never in the right order.</br>
'''Follower''' - John wanders the moonlit streets. </br>
Disciple: Aine is irreproachable and unapproachable.</br>
'''Disciple''' - John does not know what he is seeking, but he will not give up on his quest. </br>
Guest: No one ever doubts Miss Aine.</br>
'''Seeker''' - John is close now. Some days he is here, others he is across the seas, or over the mountains and the neverending desert wastes. </br>
Prisoner: Every hour, a new guard takes up their post.</br>
'''Prisoner''' - John endlessly paces in the confines of his cell. </br>
=== Mitchell (Amets) ===
Troublemaker: He's a confusing sort, if pleasant.</br>
=== Linnea ([[User:A Blessed Feline|A Blessed Feline]]) ===  
Acquaintance: A gentleman of unclear nationality, housing and profession.</br>
Believer: Mitchell's habit of leaving most of the conversation unsaid is rather endearing.</br>
| '''Acquaintance''' || You vaguely recognize Linnea from somewhere, though you cannot place where. Linnea claims to recognize you as well, though she refuses to elaborate.
Disciple: Mitchell believes he will run out of stories to tell if he tells everything to everyone at once.</br>
Guest: Everybody knows Mitchell. Nobody knows Mitchell.</br>
| '''Believer'''    || Linnea was a midwife, and Linnea sometimes claimed that the children she delivered were old acquaintances of hers. Once, she tells you, she delivered the man who murdered her. After the court case, Linnea was no longer a midwife.
Prisoner: He is imprisoned according to protocol.</br>
| '''Disciple'''    || "Linnea" is merely one of many names. Not all, Linnea claims, were given. Some she stole, some she bought, and some she conquered.
| '''Exalt'''        || Linnea says she remembers being there with you, watching when the Glory was relighted. She hopes she will be there with you as well when it is snuffed out.
| '''Troublemaker''' || "Linnea" is merely one of many identities, all with their own personal histories and property records. She picks her victims in accordance with patterns which have been continuing without interruption for hundreds of years.
| '''Prisoner'''    || Linnea screams and curses at you whenever the moon comes out. Sometimes, she calls you by names you don't recognize. Sometimes, she uses languages you assumed were dead
=== Name (Owner) ===
Troublemaker - </br>
Acquaintance - </br>
Follower - </br>
Disciple - </br>
Ophede - </br>
Prisoner - </br>
== Lantern ==
== Lantern ==
=== Basil (Amets) ===
Troublemaker: Basil wrangles the occult onto the canvas as inspiration dims.</br>
Acquaintance: The most influential people have posed for Basil's brush and palette, but his hands have grown tired of faces.</br>
Believer: Basil spends long days in contemplation, and longer nights with the paints. His muse is a comet, but we have granted him a telescope.</br>
Disciple: No self-respecting gallery will showcase Basil's works. He is only happy to draw what he had always wanted to.</br>
Astrologer: Basil keeps his eyes to the sun during the day, to the stars at night. Every week or so, he will come to us carrying what he had seen in the sky.</br>
Prisoner: Basil sits silently, occasionally tracing lines in the air.
=== Connor (Cyborg-Squid) ===
=== Antoine (Will) ===
Troublemaker: A trail of unpaid library fines and dinner bills lead us to Connor.</br>
'''Troublemaker''' - Antoine shepherds men like he once shepherded words.</br>
Acquaintance: Connor has read the most interesting books, and he cannot wait to tell you about them.</br>
'''Acquaintance''' - The noted theologian Antoine Bourzeis has, in his later years, become something of an iconoclast.</br>
Believer: Connor has begun a bit of writing on his own. He is humble and insists he isn't good at it, but his works brim with powerful truths.</br>
'''Follower''' - Antoine writes of the Divine Fire, of enlightenment and illumination.</br>
Disciple: Connor's works have been turned down by all but the most esoteric of publishers, and cannot be found in stores. His hands do not stop writing, and he rarely looks up from the page.</br>
'''Disciple''' - Antoine has taken to staring at the noonday sun for hours on end.</br>
Astrologer: Connor now claims to be able to tell a person's entire future based on an analysis of the spelling of their name. We are unsure as to whether he simply foretells the events, or makes them so. </br>
'''Heretic''' - Antoine speaks of stars like another might talk about their lovers. What secrets do they whisper to him?</br>
Prisoner: Connor begs, almost sobbing, for a pen, pencil, anything, please.
'''Prisoner''' - Antoine watches the play of shadows on the wall. He maintains he has always been trapped like this.</br>
=== Patrick (Cyborg-Squid) ===
=== Alex ([[User:A Blessed Feline|A Blessed Feline]]) ===  
Troublemaker: There are no records of Patrick's crimes, but there is no doubt they exist. This many suspensions do not happen for no reason.</br>
Acquaintance: Patrick has spent 20 years on the force, and has seen the most gruesome of crimes, to the point where he is the first to volunteer to investigate them.</br>
| '''Acquaintance''' || Alex used to be a gambler and a reader of cards, until the cards begun to make too much sense
Believer: Patrick has begun reading case files at home, and proceeding to the burn them. His memory is an impeccable record. </br>
Disciple: The lines between innocent and guilty have begun to blur in Patrick's mind. He claims we are all complicit in centuries old crimes, breaking Laws that do not exist in the human realm.</br>
| '''Believer'''    || Alex spends most nights at his writing desk, where he has arranged his old cards into neat piles and rows. The cards aren't real, he insists, and neither are the things they represent. But nonetheless, he claims they help him understand the world.
Astrologer: Crimes happen, and Patrick is there. Patrick is there, and crimes happen. In his eyes, we are all guilty, but he can instantly tell the more guilty from the ones less so. </br>
Prisoner: Patrick seems to find this ironic. If his cell is opened, we suspect he will refuse to leave.
| '''Disciple'''    || Alex rarely speaks anymore, preferring to quote short phrases from his cards. Sometimes, he hums along to music only he can hear.
| '''alex_d'''        || "FNORD"
| '''Troublemaker''' || It's all a game to Alex, the files say. They say other things too, but none of those things are relevant.
| '''Prisoner'''    || "So this is how it ends?" He asks you when the jail call slams shut. "Is that all I am to you, another insignificant pawn in another one of your little games?"
=== Arthur (Leathy Kocktail) ===
'''Acquaintance''' - His humour often get laughs from his audiences, but rarely comes from those he comments upon. </br>
'''Follower''' - He always jests at the others' expense, but his insights are rarely wrong. He tries to make me laugh.</br>
'''Disciple''' - He makes light of dark matters, even when I ask him not to, even when it would be merciful to refrain. </br>
'''Vocabulate''' -  His laugh is bright, his speech is harsh. He has learned that the right word in the right place can send a person to their knees. Another can dazzle and bewitch. Another can burn like the sun.</br>
'''Prisoner''' - Even behind bars and tied up, he jokes and hypothesizes about the things I plan to do to him. 'Am I right?' he asks. He always is. I will need a gag as well. </br>
'''Troublemaker''' -  This comedian fancies me the butt of all his harsh jokes. He always says that I've yet to taste the punchline. </br>
== Edge ==
== Edge ==
=== Baishan (Anaconda) ===
Troublemaker: Baishan leaves a trail through the city like a shark through chummed waters.</br>
=== Lucas ([[User:Lyrositor|Lyrositor]]) ===  
Acquaintance: Baishan never looks at faces. They aren't important to him.</br>
Believer: Baishan cares little about the mysteries of the occult, but he is ready with the knife when needed.</br>
| '''Acquaintance''' || Lucas operates on his patients with formidable enthusiasm.
Disciple: Every morning, and every evening, Baishan cleans his weaponry. It's hard to imagine where he finds the time to do anything else.</br>
Arquebusier: No one really knows how many weapons Baishan has on his person.</br>
| '''Believer'''    || Lucas would much rather be saving lives than ending them, but those worth saving are in short supply these days.
Prisoner: Baishan is probably hoarding the cutlery, amongst other things.</br>
=== Rhonda (Anaconda) ===
| '''Disciple'''    || Lucas still dons his surgeon's scrubs when he knows the work will be untidy.
Troublemaker: Few can believe such a consumptive girl could commit such brutal murders.</br>
Acquaintance: Rhonda hasn't yet threatened you.</br>
| '''Sabre'''        || Lucas dispatches problems with professional economy of effort. No knife is ever used twice without proper sterilization.
Believer: Rhonda's illness devours her body, but it hasn't been able to touch her spirit.</br>
Disciple: Despite being as wan as a corpse, Rhonda hasn't stopped stabbing people.</br>
| '''Troublemaker''' || Lucas is said to be the best in his field. Certainly none of his patients have died under his knife, but one suspects his true work is not performed before an operating theatre.
Arquebusier: Rhonda is meticulously clean, and never leaves behind a corpse.</br>
Prisoner: We haven't fed Rhonda in days. It's safer, that way.</br>
| '''Prisoner'''    || Lucas has taken to describing the myriad methods through which he will have his revenge on us. Some of the imagery does not make for comfortable sleep.
=== Name (Owner) ===
Troublemaker - </br>
Acquaintance - </br>
Follower - </br>
Disciple - </br>
Ophede - </br>
Prisoner - </br>
== Grail ==
== Grail ==
=== Constance (Edward) ===
Troublemaker: It's not what she has done, it's what she's convinced others to do.</br>
Acquaintance: Constance is a stunning, but dour young woman. She remains sceptical.</br>
Believer: Constance has softened considerably. Her smile is constant, and her laugh carries like an orchestra tune.</br>
Disciple: Constance's smile has widened even further, now. She's taken a liking to the feel of sharp edges against her skin.</br>
Merrymaker: We've bound her hands and mouth. She won't try that again. Hopefully, nobody else will follow her example.</br>
Prisoner: Constance is still smiling, but she neither blinks nor sleeps.
=== Harriet (Evoro) ===
=== Name (Owner) ===
Troublemaker: She is a nasty thorn in our side - unfortunately, quite literally.</br>
Troublemaker - </br>
Acquaintance: Harriet's eyes are always aglow with enthusiasm, and she is pleasant occasional company despite her persistently dirty hands.</br>
Acquaintance - </br>
Believer: Harriet possesses a more malicious glow about her, but her knowledge of gardening and herbalism never fails us.</br>
Follower - </br>
Disciple: A bit of nightshade here, a well-placed bramble there - Harriet knows precisely where to place her natural deterrents.</br>
Disciple - </br>
Thorn: The garden must be kept orderly if we are to perform our rituals, but Harriet insists that we will work better under thorned supervision.</br>
Ophede - </br>
Prisoner: She keeps growing... ''things'' in the cracks of the stonework. We have to stomp them out every time.
Prisoner - </br>
== Heart ==
== Heart ==
===Julian (Amets)===
Troublemaker: Julian is only good for the sake of being good.</br>
Acquaintance: Julian is a principled sort, and has taken a liking to what I have to say.</br>
Believer: Julian's reputation is spotless.</br>
Disciple: He occasionally permits us to be seen together.</br>
Nrityian: Any who have known Julian for a week will swear oaths by his name.</br>
Prisoner: His plans for after his - assuredly temporary -  imprisonment are as sprawling as tree-roots.</br>
===Rashmi (Anaconda)===
=== Claudia (Eliseofnohr) ===
Troublemaker: Nothing that Rashmi has done has been malicious.<br />
Troublemaker - Even if you know everything about her, it is hard to bring yourself to attach it to someone as sweet and delicate as Claudia.</br>
Acquaintance: Rashmi is well-known at the bar where she sings.<br />
Acquaintance - Claudia is a frail young lady with an enchanting smile and an interest in old mysteries.</br>
Believer: Rashmi is friendly and pleasant to everyone, whether they like it or not.<br />
Follower - Claudia's speech always seems to be to a tune that is not quite known, though her coughs sometimes interrupt it.</br>
Disciple: Rashmi has a voice like melted gold, and a smile like the sun.<br />
Disciple - Claudia's words are like honey, her smile like sunlight. One must focus very, very hard to not simply agree and go along with everything she says.</br>
Nrityian: Rashmi will not, will not, will not stop helping.<br />
Nrityian- As Claudia's body grows frailer, the pulse of her spirit grows stronger and stronger yet, undeniable. Even if she cannot walk, she can still dance. </br>
Prisoner: Rashmi sings all the louder, as though she might break the walls of her cell.<br />
Prisoner - Claudia looks very small and pathetic, but there is a vicious hate in her eyes.</br>
===Roger (Amets)===
=== Name (Owner) ===
Troublemaker: Roger had fled to the Americas, and then fled back here.</br>
Troublemaker - </br>
Acquaintance: Roger had spent more of his life out at sea than on land. He does not entirely know what to do with himself.</br>
Acquaintance - </br>
Believer: Roger follows his orders to the word, and never asks questions.</br>
Follower - </br>
Disciple: Roger works with the dedication of a saint and the doctrine of a barfly.</br>
Disciple - </br>
Nrityian: Roger's work-song sends the world billowing in an unassailable rhythm.</br>
Ophede - </br>
Prisoner: Roger eats his food, drinks his drinks, waits his time.</br>
Prisoner - </br>
===Anton (Fox)===
== Winter ==
Troublemaker: Nothing can make Anton stray from his goals.<br />
Acquaintance: Anton is an honest young man. He talks fondly about the lady in red, but his hands tremble. <br />
Follower: Anton's chest has three gunshot wounds. He does not remember being shot.<br />
Disciple: Anton never disagrees or questions you. He will succeed, he insists.<br />
Condiment: Anton always comes back, like a loyal puppy, or a shiver.<br />
Prisoner: This time, Anton has failed.<br />
== Winter ==
=== Name (Owner) ===
=== Kathie (Anaconda) ===
Troublemaker - </br>
Troublemaker - Kathie crafts the art of silent death, her canvas the whole of humanity.</br>
Acquaintance - </br>
Acquaintance - Kathie's trade is that of a jeweler, but she merely lives by it.</br>
Follower - </br>
Follower - Kathie's eyes are the only striking thing about her.</br>
Disciple - </br>
Disciple - Kathie fades into the crowd like a snowflake dissolving into a puddle. Her fingerprints have long since been sanded away.</br>
Ophede - </br>
A silken-stepped woman - Not even the cobwebs stir in the breeze. A judgment is being made.</br>
Prisoner - </br>
Prisoner - Kathie may not be breathing anymore.</br>
=== Margaret (Amets) ===
Troublemaker: Margaret is here to collect. Nothing more, nothing less.</br>
Acquaintance: Margaret is a responsible sort. She had many friends, once.</br>
Believer: Margaret pays her debts, always.</br>
Disciple: Margaret keeps a ledger. Margaret demands recompense.</br>
Miser: A wary debtor, a heavy ink-blot. Someone was here.</br>
Prisoner: She will remember this.</br>
== Forge ==
== Forge ==
=== Meghan (Cyborg-Squid) ===
Troublemaker - Meghan has been banned from many museums, but somehow she keeps getting in.</br>
Acquaintance - Meghan was once a world-famous sculptor, but now her works are deemed too controversial for public display. </br>
Follower - Meghan is glad to have found a patron that supports art in all its forms. Restraint, she says, is the enemy of true creativity.</br>
Disciple - Meghan rarely needs hammers or chisels to sculpt now. She holds onto them for sentimental value.</br>
Alchemist - Meghan claims to have touched the divine madness wielded by the old masters.</br>
Prisoner - Her cell is free of any tools. Nevertheless, we can hear her working.</br>
===Sule (Anaconda)===
=== Name (Owner) ===
Troublemaker: A thousand fires have been set already, and Sule intends to set a thousand more.<br />
Troublemaker - </br>
Acquaintance: Sule works as a clerk in a department store. She's terribly bored.<br />
Acquaintance - </br>
Believer: Sule is no longer bored with her life. Now she is enraged.<br />
Follower - </br>
Disciple: Sule sets to the destruction of raw materials with a maniacal fervor.<br />
Disciple - </br>
Alchemist: The only thing Sule seems to love is the destroying flame.<br />
Ophede - </br>
Prisoner: We can permit no bars or windows of any sort in Sule's prison.<br />
Prisoner - </br>
=== Acton ([[User:Cospinol|Cospinol]]) ===
| '''Acquaintance''' ||  Acton had found work in his body. He would now know of his mind.
| '''Believer'''    ||  Acton fears passion burns a body, but warmth now reaches the lengths of his mind.
| '''Disciple'''    ||  Acton speaks plainly of his body, but orates with measure his new beliefs on a pyre soul.
| '''Exalt'''      ||  Acton knows his pyre, metal and man strains greedily to the same.
| '''Troublemaker''' ||  Acton's plans are veins of lava beneath a bubbling inferno. Smoke billows in our sight.
| '''Prisoner'''    ||  Acton is not to see men speak, only to hear their voices. No more will his rages replace men.
== Secret Histories ==
== Secret Histories? ==
=== Name (Owner) ===
Troublemaker - </br>
Acquaintance - </br>
Follower - </br>
Disciple - </br>
Ophede - </br>
Prisoner - </br>

Latest revision as of 17:06, 6 August 2019


Skye (Lyrositor)

Acquaintance Skye knows no problem lies beyond her ability when her mind is set on it, but wearies of mundane puzzles.
Believer Skye refuses the world's easy answers. She cultivates her mind as a farmer tills his field.
Disciple Skye has begun to smile more. Perhaps because of what she has learned; more likely because of what she has yet to learn.
Ophede Few things lie beyond Skye's grasp now, but those few that do are what she lives for.
Troublemaker Skye is fond of answering simple solutions with complex problems.
Prisoner Skye has bet she can break her chains faster than we can repair them. Let us hope we can keep pace.

Bryn (Evoro)

Acquaintance Neighbours complain about the noise often - so Bryn has opted to do away with neighbours entirely.
Believer They are thin and malnourished; some swear Bryn has even grown a few inches taller from their time beneath the earth.
Disciple "I am digging," they explain, "to reach the Glory in the centre of the earth. But I suppose I can dig a few extra tunnels for you."
Burrower With but shovel and pick, Bryn has crafted tunnels that span as far as the eye can see in the squalid darkness, and further still.
Troublemaker Frequent reports of "disturbances" come from their home. Every time, we find nothing but a deep hole, and the distant sound of metal striking stone.
Prisoner We ensure Bryn's cell has thick stone and allow no access to metal utensils. To them, bloodied hands and snapped wooden spoons are tools enough.

Name (Owner)

Troublemaker -
Acquaintance -
Follower -
Disciple -
Ophede -
Prisoner -


John (Will)

Troublemaker - John has finally found his calling, and seeks to share what he has found.
Acquaintance - John has led a life without distinction.
Follower - John wanders the moonlit streets.
Disciple - John does not know what he is seeking, but he will not give up on his quest.
Seeker - John is close now. Some days he is here, others he is across the seas, or over the mountains and the neverending desert wastes.
Prisoner - John endlessly paces in the confines of his cell.

Linnea (A Blessed Feline)

Acquaintance You vaguely recognize Linnea from somewhere, though you cannot place where. Linnea claims to recognize you as well, though she refuses to elaborate.
Believer Linnea was a midwife, and Linnea sometimes claimed that the children she delivered were old acquaintances of hers. Once, she tells you, she delivered the man who murdered her. After the court case, Linnea was no longer a midwife.
Disciple "Linnea" is merely one of many names. Not all, Linnea claims, were given. Some she stole, some she bought, and some she conquered.
Exalt Linnea says she remembers being there with you, watching when the Glory was relighted. She hopes she will be there with you as well when it is snuffed out.
Troublemaker "Linnea" is merely one of many identities, all with their own personal histories and property records. She picks her victims in accordance with patterns which have been continuing without interruption for hundreds of years.
Prisoner Linnea screams and curses at you whenever the moon comes out. Sometimes, she calls you by names you don't recognize. Sometimes, she uses languages you assumed were dead

Name (Owner)

Troublemaker -
Acquaintance -
Follower -
Disciple -
Ophede -
Prisoner -


Antoine (Will)

Troublemaker - Antoine shepherds men like he once shepherded words.
Acquaintance - The noted theologian Antoine Bourzeis has, in his later years, become something of an iconoclast.
Follower - Antoine writes of the Divine Fire, of enlightenment and illumination.
Disciple - Antoine has taken to staring at the noonday sun for hours on end.
Heretic - Antoine speaks of stars like another might talk about their lovers. What secrets do they whisper to him?
Prisoner - Antoine watches the play of shadows on the wall. He maintains he has always been trapped like this.

Alex (A Blessed Feline)

Acquaintance Alex used to be a gambler and a reader of cards, until the cards begun to make too much sense
Believer Alex spends most nights at his writing desk, where he has arranged his old cards into neat piles and rows. The cards aren't real, he insists, and neither are the things they represent. But nonetheless, he claims they help him understand the world.
Disciple Alex rarely speaks anymore, preferring to quote short phrases from his cards. Sometimes, he hums along to music only he can hear.
alex_d "FNORD"
Troublemaker It's all a game to Alex, the files say. They say other things too, but none of those things are relevant.
Prisoner "So this is how it ends?" He asks you when the jail call slams shut. "Is that all I am to you, another insignificant pawn in another one of your little games?"

Arthur (Leathy Kocktail)

Acquaintance - His humour often get laughs from his audiences, but rarely comes from those he comments upon.
Follower - He always jests at the others' expense, but his insights are rarely wrong. He tries to make me laugh.
Disciple - He makes light of dark matters, even when I ask him not to, even when it would be merciful to refrain.
Vocabulate - His laugh is bright, his speech is harsh. He has learned that the right word in the right place can send a person to their knees. Another can dazzle and bewitch. Another can burn like the sun.
Prisoner - Even behind bars and tied up, he jokes and hypothesizes about the things I plan to do to him. 'Am I right?' he asks. He always is. I will need a gag as well.
Troublemaker - This comedian fancies me the butt of all his harsh jokes. He always says that I've yet to taste the punchline.


Lucas (Lyrositor)

Acquaintance Lucas operates on his patients with formidable enthusiasm.
Believer Lucas would much rather be saving lives than ending them, but those worth saving are in short supply these days.
Disciple Lucas still dons his surgeon's scrubs when he knows the work will be untidy.
Sabre Lucas dispatches problems with professional economy of effort. No knife is ever used twice without proper sterilization.
Troublemaker Lucas is said to be the best in his field. Certainly none of his patients have died under his knife, but one suspects his true work is not performed before an operating theatre.
Prisoner Lucas has taken to describing the myriad methods through which he will have his revenge on us. Some of the imagery does not make for comfortable sleep.

Name (Owner)

Troublemaker -
Acquaintance -
Follower -
Disciple -
Ophede -
Prisoner -


Name (Owner)

Troublemaker -
Acquaintance -
Follower -
Disciple -
Ophede -
Prisoner -


Claudia (Eliseofnohr)

Troublemaker - Even if you know everything about her, it is hard to bring yourself to attach it to someone as sweet and delicate as Claudia.
Acquaintance - Claudia is a frail young lady with an enchanting smile and an interest in old mysteries.
Follower - Claudia's speech always seems to be to a tune that is not quite known, though her coughs sometimes interrupt it.
Disciple - Claudia's words are like honey, her smile like sunlight. One must focus very, very hard to not simply agree and go along with everything she says.
Nrityian- As Claudia's body grows frailer, the pulse of her spirit grows stronger and stronger yet, undeniable. Even if she cannot walk, she can still dance.
Prisoner - Claudia looks very small and pathetic, but there is a vicious hate in her eyes.

Name (Owner)

Troublemaker -
Acquaintance -
Follower -
Disciple -
Ophede -
Prisoner -


Name (Owner)

Troublemaker -
Acquaintance -
Follower -
Disciple -
Ophede -
Prisoner -


Name (Owner)

Troublemaker -
Acquaintance -
Follower -
Disciple -
Ophede -
Prisoner -

Acton (Cospinol)

Acquaintance Acton had found work in his body. He would now know of his mind.
Believer Acton fears passion burns a body, but warmth now reaches the lengths of his mind.
Disciple Acton speaks plainly of his body, but orates with measure his new beliefs on a pyre soul.
Exalt Acton knows his pyre, metal and man strains greedily to the same.
Troublemaker Acton's plans are veins of lava beneath a bubbling inferno. Smoke billows in our sight.
Prisoner Acton is not to see men speak, only to hear their voices. No more will his rages replace men.

Secret Histories

Name (Owner)

Troublemaker -
Acquaintance -
Follower -
Disciple -
Ophede -
Prisoner -