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The Boatman

92 bytes added, 20:45, 31 August 2019
The Boatman is a strange hour, he is they way into the city the only way in, he dictates who enters and who will feed the river.
far before the days of the lock-down he was guarding the gates, he is much more then ferry man. he was a mortal once one considered a murderer by those who found his little secrets beneath the boat house, the river would run red those days. he found his way to becoming a long, his master held the gates, he bleed him like a pig on duty, letting the blood become himas it was his new purpose, when he ascended the blood would not stop flowing from its corpse so he made a moat with them, the blood made an excellent addition in his eyes, he took up his role with a fervor only he has shown ever since.

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