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The Symphony is, quite literally, sound. He is made entirely of sound. What each person hears in his presence is different, and unique to their personality. However, it is divinity made sound, and its incomprehensible nature will  slowly drive most mortals mad upon hearing it. The deaf are immune.
The Symphony is, quite literally, sound. He is made entirely of sound. What each person hears in his presence is different, and unique to their personality. However, it is divinity made sound, and its incomprehensible nature will  slowly drive most mortals mad upon hearing it. The deaf are immune.
It can also, rarely, take visual forms. The most common are that of a young man with the tail of a tadpole and golden skin, eyes and hair, who is dressed like an orchestra conductor, and a golden lyrebird/common coqui frog/young iridescent shark made of sparkling gilded wind.
It can also, rarely, take visual forms. The most common are that of a young man with the tail of a tadpole and golden skin, eyes and hair, who is dressed like an orchestra conductor, and a golden lyrebird/common coqui frog/young iridescent shark made of sparkling gilded wind. Most of the time it is simply an intangible light and song, with a flaming rune hovering within it.  
His speech is entirely music - Sometimes it's a single, consistent melody that changes according to his mood, sometimes it's a mild background melody anx some sound effects. (Think Don't Starve characters).
His speech is entirely music - Sometimes it's a single, consistent melody that changes according to his mood, sometimes it's a mild background melody and some sound effects. (Think Don't Starve characters).

Revision as of 11:31, 5 September 2019

The Symphony Unending
"We call upon the Wind-That-Sings, Who speaks for the Glory..."
Origin Old From-Light

⛅ As The Symphony Unending: The Wind-That-Sings, The Voice Incandescent, The Sound Over The Wall

☀️ As The Symphony-in-Triumph: The Light-That-Sings, The Paean Incandescent, The Hymn Over The Wall
Names The Silent Orchestra, The Starry Sonata, The Iron Aria, The Feasting Serenade
Aspects Heart Lantern
Date of arrival As old as the First Glory. (I guess that makes it both Stone and Light?)
Owner(s) Иephilim

The Symphony Unending (Also known as The Wind-That-Sings, The Voice Incandescent and The Sound Over The Wall) is a Heart-Lantern Wild God Hour created by Nephilim. He is the literal spirit of language and song.


The Symphony is sound. It is the music of mortals, and of gods. It is the language of the Divine given form. He is associated with birds, frogs, wind and the sea.




The Symphony is, quite literally, sound. He is made entirely of sound. What each person hears in his presence is different, and unique to their personality. However, it is divinity made sound, and its incomprehensible nature will slowly drive most mortals mad upon hearing it. The deaf are immune.

It can also, rarely, take visual forms. The most common are that of a young man with the tail of a tadpole and golden skin, eyes and hair, who is dressed like an orchestra conductor, and a golden lyrebird/common coqui frog/young iridescent shark made of sparkling gilded wind. Most of the time it is simply an intangible light and song, with a flaming rune hovering within it.

His speech is entirely music - Sometimes it's a single, consistent melody that changes according to his mood, sometimes it's a mild background melody and some sound effects. (Think Don't Starve characters).


Music, Joy, Light, Perseverance. And, to an extent, Control.



The Symphony is often worshipped by musicians, songwriters, public speakers and all those who make use of its gifts.

Heart The Gilded Society The primary cult worshipping the Wind-That-Sings is this one. It's mostly composed of lone artists seeking a greater purpose.


  1. Temptation: Desire: I have heard the Song of the Wind. It has charmed me, in a way i cannot comprehend.
  2. Dedication: Desire: I have decided to become a part of the Symphony Unending.

  1. Ascension: Desire: I've begun to notice sounds i couldn't before. I hear the lyrics of bird-songs and frog-croaks. I know this to be the First Mark.
  2. Ascension: Desire: My voice has begun to change, and now, others can only stare and obey when i speak. I hunger for the music i haven't heard.
  3. Ascension: Desire: I find myself drawn to the melody of the ocean's waves. My skin becomes soft, slippery, scaled. The face in the mirror appears ever young and vigorous.
  4. Ascension: Desire: I serenade the Moon awaiting my ascension. Bridges of sound and string unite my legs, and my hair twists into the curious shapes of a bird's wings.
  5. The Charmed Sea: I've become a part of the Voice Incandescent's choir. The spectators lay mesmerized by the slow, graceful movements of my tail swaying to the rhythm. For the first time, i am complete.

  1. Ascension: Desire: I've begun to notice sounds i couldn't before. I hear the lyrics of bird-songs and frog-croaks. I know this to be the First Mark.
  2. Ascension: Desire: My voice has begun to change, and now, others can only stare and obey when i speak. I hunger for the music i haven't heard.
  3. Ascension: Desire: I find myself drawn to the melody of the marsh. My skin becomes slimy and full of colourful patterns as my legs begin to stretch...
  4. Ascension: Desire: I serenade the Moon awaiting my ascension. Webbing of sound and string unites my toes and fingers, and I've found new fins behind my ears.
  5. The Leaping Marsh: I've become a part of the Voice Incandescent's choir. The spectators stare in curiosity at my toad-eyes and the markings on my body. For the first time, i am complete.

  1. Ascension: Desire: I've begun to notice sounds i couldn't before. I hear the lyrics of bird-songs and frog-croaks. I know this to be the First Mark.
  2. Ascension: Desire: My voice has begun to change, and now, others can only stare and obey when i speak. I hunger for the music i haven't heard.
  3. Ascension: Desire: I find myself drawn to the melody of the clouds. My skin becomes rough and scaly as i notice little patches of feathers throughout...
  4. Ascension: Desire: I serenade the Moon awaiting my ascension. Wings of sound and string spread from my hips, and i hold the ritual instruments in my new talons.
  5. The Boundless Sky: I've become a part of the Voice Incandescent's choir. The spectators stare in awe at the splendour of my complete wingspan, and the variety of my cries. For the first time, i am complete.



The Iron Aria

The Iron Aria
'"Come to me, let my voice reforge you into something new and beautiful..."'
Deceiver 12
Forge 12
Heart 9
Summon a bold Name-emanation of the Wind-That-Sings
The candles are set, the influences are felt, and the ritual-room smells of iron and coal...
The Iron Aria speaks with unexpected grace, as her toad-like gaze pierces into my soul. Perhaps i must change indeed, but not now.
Forge 5
Heart 10
Lantern 2

The Starry Sonata

The Starry Sonata
'"Oh, let me take you to the depths of your desire!"'
Deceiver 12
Heart 12
Moth 9
Summon a joyful Name-emanation of the Voice Incandescent
The candles are set, the influences are felt, and the ritual-room smells of wine and sea...
The Starry Sonata is quiet upon answering her call, but her sharply smile has not left her face. A word from her could claim your mind, but with difficulty she contains her bubbly remarks.
Moth 5
Heart 10
Lantern 2

The Silent Orchestra

The Silent Orchestra
'"It is something strange, something hazardous. And at the same time, it is nothing at all."'
Deceiver 12
Heart 9
Winter 12
Summon one of the darker Name-emanations of the Sound Behind The Wall
The candles are set, the influences are felt, and the ritual-room smells of frost and perfume...
The Silent Orchestra is many, but it is few. You do not hear the music. It plays for all, yet it cannot be heard. You do not hear the music. Keep denying it, if you wish to keep your sanity.
Winter 5
Heart 10
Lantern 2

The Feasting Serenade

The Feasting Serenade
'"Sing to me, surrender your most beautiful melodies..."'
Devourer 12
Heart 9
Grail 12
Summon a voracious Name-emanation of the Symphony Unending
The candles are set, the influences are felt, and the ritual-room smells of humidity and fine cheese...
The Feasting Serenade is a song of love, but also betrayal and devouring. It feeds on the ambiance, savoring each note as if it were the last. Its talon will not leave your hand.
Grail 5
Heart 10
Lantern 2


The Longs under the Symphony Unending have many universal traits - Their voices can claim any mortal or Long who hears them, they are infinitely beautiful, and they move with unnatural grace. However, there are three variations, entirely cosmetic -

The Siren-Like Long have fish tails, patches of scales, many fins and sharply smiles, as well as hair that twists into bird-wings.

The Frog-Like Long have colourful skin patterns, vocal sacs, webbed frog legs/hands and tadpole tails, as well as ear-fins.

The Avian-Like Long have wings that sprout from their hips, bird talons, patches of feathers and avian tails. They are capable of flight.

The Wind-That-Sings' Longs are also often called, as a collective, simply as "The Choir"

The Touched

The Song-Touched are not happy folk. Due to the influence that has been cast upon them, they exhibit a large range of abnormalities. They possess a greater amount of Lantern and Heart than any other mortal follower, but they live extremely cursed, difficult lives. They grow feathers for hair, and are only calm in the presence of music, filling their houses with clocks which tick obnoxiously and obsessively hum to control themselves. Every second, they hover on the edge of lunacy. Silence and death are one and the same. They are often possessed by the energy within them, rambling senselessly about how they can see sound and hear light. But if you can befriend one while they're lucid... They make for mighty allies.

Lady Melody

"Oh, sing to me. Sing to me your offerings, and my service is all yours." Lady Melody is an enigmatic Song-Touched woman who survived her Change, survived the war - And now works directly against the Hours. She desires all the riches in the Frontier. The exotic beasts, songs and treasures. her loyalty is questionable, but her power is not. Appearance-wise, she looks like a young woman, with noticeable darkness around her eyes. Her hair is long and quite wavy - perhaps even somewhat curly- with a reddish-ginger tone to it. her skin is a dark tan, and her irises a gleaming gold, without pupils, and always seem to be lost. She dresses in exotic silks, bandanas and lots of makeup and jewelry - Her style is often described as "Traditional gypsy-like, with a hint of something Arabic, and a hint of something even more occult...". Her characteristic colours are deep mystic purple, glistening gold and vermilion red. Follower Text:

  • Lady Melody, A Troublemaker: Hear not her words. her speech will devour your mind, and your will shall be as bent as her own.
  • Lady Melody, A Prisoner: Melody no longer resists her Change. She lies on the corner of her cell, writhing, crying light. She rejects this unworthy fate, and prays it will take you all with her.
  • Lady Melody, An Acquaintance: Melody is a simple waitress in a Breach City restaurant, yet the eldritch radiance in her eyes betrays her fortune.
  • Lady Melody, A Believer: Melody hums to herself as she listens. She can never cease, or stay still. And yet, she is a most attentive agent.
  • Lady Melody, A Disciple: Melody can recite every word of her latest mission briefing in three different song-formats. She dances to the invisible waltz of gold and silver.
  • Lady Melody, A Conductress: Melody is at her most efficient. She contains her apocalyptic voice, conforming with the rhythm of her footsteps. Her commands shall never go unheard.
  • First Date: "Come sit by my window and serenade me." She proposes. "I'll savour your voice like the finest of desserts."
  • Compatible Desire: She skips down the roads, to the rhythm of my heartbeat. Anywhere she is, she can hear me, just as i do. We exchange our stories like old friends meeting for their fortieth first time.
  • A Liaison: I gaze upon the many strange trinkets on her shelves. Some blessed, some cursed, some simply exotic. Sometimes i wonder if i am simply another for her collection. And even then, i don't mind.
  • Victory Text: The days pass as they do in the Breach. But even time cannot erase the adventures of today. We sit together at the local cafe, chatting about the latest missions, catastrophes, plays, anything new under the sun. And every word we speak adds to the lyrics of our hymn of love.


The Mansus

The Concert Hall

A colourful, 18th-century theatre in the Frontier. A sweet song can always be heard from within, even from beyond the Wall.

The Histories




  • The String-less Violin
    • Aspects: Winter12 Heart12


  • A Jar Of Sparkling Wind
    • Aspects: Moth4 Lantern6


  • A Directionless Humming
    • Aspect: Heart6


  • The Glorious Sonata, Original.
    • Description: Talia N. Perun wrote this bizarre song in an otherworldly, sparkling ink. It seems readable, it seems plausible, yet it cannot be played by human fingers...
    • Start Text: The melody tells a tale, one difficult to decode. It speaks of a radiance unlike any other, of a world behind the walls of the dream... A land full of man-beasts with eyes of toads and tails of fish. It was her final work before her unexplained death, suppressed for decades.
    • End Text: There is a note, in the upper-left corner: "To hear is to become. Listen only to the most beautiful melodies and one day you will, too, shed your skin."
    • Gives: Glimmering + Fascination + Level 6 Lantern or Heart lore.


  • The Song-Writer's Rite
    • Description: A ritual frequently seen performed by the toad-folk of the Concert Hall, often resulting in unexpected but inspired results.
    • Requires:
      • Tool
      • Ingredient (destroyed upon use)
      • Assistant
      • Desire (optional)
    • Gives: Can be used to summon all of the Symphony Unending's Names, as well as other summons. However, when used, it will always result in an additional reward (or "reward") of Fascination or Glimmering. Will give 2x said extra reward if a Tool or Ingredient relating to the Hour itself is used.


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  • The Symphony Unending refuses to reveal any data about its birth, any dead Stones or the Glory after it died for the first time.
  • He houses a minuscule fragment of the Old Glory inside himself, a tiny spark.