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The Evermolt

814 bytes added, 16:54, 1 October 2019
The Evermolt was, initially, created by accident as a Name of the Great Serpent - Born out of its shed skin, and fallen scales. He was a male Green Vine Snake, and briefly managed to maintain a title as a Name - known as "The Faithful Fool". He was a court entertainer, mindless servant. He did anything, begging to be a full-fledged Name, to be completed. But the Great Serpent grew bored of him, and discarded him, forever leaving him ''incomplete.''
And he was ''hungry'', so '''hungry'''.
So he devoured his stillborn siblings, his fellow misfits, the scraps. Shedding his skin, reforging himself, into something more and more grand - Eventually achieving Hourhood, combining the power of five other Almost-Names. Yet, he was still incomplete. The Royal We now plots its next - and final - meal, in secret.

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