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The Insidious

3,507 bytes added, 14:50, 29 June 2018
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| names = ''none''
| aspects = {{Aspect|Knock}} {{Aspect|Winter}}
| arrival = ''Unknown''c. 1000 C.E
| owners = [[Stone|Stone]]
'''The Insidious''' ('''The Woken Breath''', '''The Hooded Horde''') is the Twenty-Eighth Hour of the Fansus, created by [[User:Stone|Stone]]. It is a God-From-Nowhere. Its aspects are [[Knock]] and [[Winter]] in decreasing order of importance. During the War of Doors, many new ways were opened, each a tear in the fabric of the Fansus. Through each tear, a little bit of Nowhere crept in. These fragments blew together, repulsed by what is, seeking comfort in their fellows. In the forgotten corners of the wood they gathered, the only sign of their passing a gentle swaying of the trees. Over time, such as it is in the House of the Snake, the fragments met and coalesced, consolidating their power, a shadow darkening the wood. Now they are recognized as an hour in their own right, a hive of creeping cold found in the most tenebrous corners of this place.
== Appearance ==
The Insidious has several manifestations in the Fansus, the shadow in the corner of a room that no light can stir, a stirring in the leaves of The Wood or an indeterminate number of hooded, faceless figures. Naturally, if it’s ever depicted, it’s as The Hooded Horde. However, depictions are few and far between, a dearth due to the comparatively small number of worshippers.
== Principles ==
Those who do give reverence include thieves, a certain subset of machiavellian advisors and, most menacingly, auditors. The principles of The Woken Breath concern hidden, shadowy things and actions. It lurks, waiting in the shadows, knowing that by its very nature it is hated by the native Hours of the house but all the time it grows as shadows from nowhere gather to it. The Insidious is the Hour of survival, hiding in places others don’t go and even those places others do. It is also an Hour of surreptitious entry, sliding under doors and through the cracks in the world.
== Worship ==
== Locations ==
=== The Fansus ===
* '''The Darker Groves:''' Since the coalescence of The Hooded Horde certain areas in The Wood have grown more shadowy, even dangerous. A strange darkness has gathered in the roots and branches of those ancient trees. These are the areas of the house that are sacred to to followers of The Insidious and the areas where its influence is strongest. It’s spreading influence has disturbed the sanctuaries sacred to the Elder Sister especially, who finds that individual shadows are easily captured and amusing for a while, but their tendency to slip through the seals of jars grows tiresome. She prefers to be the only hour capable of being mysterious and shadowy in the woods so doesn’t take too kindly to the darkening of woods without her permission. The several skirmishes that have been perpetrated by members of the court have so far been more similar to pest control than open war. While the Horde is slow to stir, some of the Cousins that roam far from court have begin to disappear, the only trace of their passing a whisper in the trees.
* '''The Empty Rooms:''' Up higher in The Fansus, past The Silver Door and The Breach, there are the empty rooms of the house. It is uncertain whether these rooms were ever occupied or if they simply lie in wait for a strength to claim them. With the growing power of The Insidious, shadow has spread from the wood, climbing so high as to fill the bare spaces of the middle house with shadow.
=== The Histories ===
=== Ingredients ===
* '''Black Sap''' ({{Aspect|Knock|4}}, Poison 2): A dark fluid that has a annoying tendency to slip any container one might put it in. Useful as an ingredient to open ways... or as a poison to open the body. Victims feel nothing, and sweat black.
=== Influences ===
* '''A Second Shadow''' ({{Aspect|Knock|8}}): An echo in the steps. Something follows just behind.
* '''A Gathering Presence''' ({{Aspect|Knock|12}}): Dark crowds the peripheries, inducing claustrophobia, sheltering from prying eyes.
=== Books ===

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