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The Boatman

1,101 bytes removed, 19:53, 15 November 2019
The boatman is worshiped by mortals for fair deals and passage. He cares not for their pleas. however he is known to except some mortals with potential to become long servants of humanity
temptation: progress: I feel as though we can move forward, but who is we
Dedication: progress: I understand that we must move forward and have begun to understand how we may begin.
Ascension: humanity: I have spoken to the boatman again, all of us who dwell into the city have spoken to them once, he sees potential.
Ascension: Humanity 2: I remember stories of the old city and how the river was made, it flows in my veins
Ascension: humanity3: my mind feels thin, rapid memories flow through like the river beneath my feet, I have started to work under the boatman directly.
Ascension: humanity four: I worked myself to the bone taking tolls and giving rides, the water has removed who I once was it no longer matters all that matters is that humanity is served
Ending: I talk to the boatman again, about these thoughts and feelings that pierce my skull, he is pleased and schedules a grand event for the city, that night I drowned in the river the last bit of me falling away, when I arise I am more than human. I am humanity and it’s perfect form, I shall never fall until the final winter

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