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The Zabbaleen

1,130 bytes removed, 05:01, 24 January 2020
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wipThe Zabbaleen have many servants that they have been gathering ever since they have hatched from the Antecedent. =====The Hirsutes===== The Hirsutes, also known as the Mapachins, are the raccoons that serve the Zabbaleen, doing small menial tasks and digging in the sands and waters around the City of Dust. =====The Scarab Beetles===== Wip =====The Ushabti Golems===== Wip
wipThe Zabbaleen have many Names, many of which were discarded by their own Hours, or simply lost after their Hours' death. Some, however, are the Zabbaleen's creations. =====The Rag-picker===== Emanated from the Antecedent, an Orpheus-like figure that stopped the wheel of the Antecedent from turning, allowing it to hatch (mirroring the myth of Orpheus stopping the wheel of Ixion from turning with his songs). At that point, he had another name. Later, he was named the Rag-picker, and for all intents and purposes, he is the same as his master, but more human, their extension in the world. The oldest Name of the Zabbaleen, he serves as their envoy at the Stone Meridian. Sometimes he does leave the Shelter and wanders the Wake (often with the travelling merchant Caravans), and he can also be encountered in the City of Dust. He is one of the Names that bring back the most lost and discarded things for their Hour to tinker with and recycle. He has many shapes, almost always humanoid, and he switches them as if they were ragdoll-esque full body costumes; alternatively, the Zabbaleen themselves reforge him for his every mission. When he speaks, or his expression changes, the rags of his face twist and peel off, revealing more faces beneath, or the patterns of his cloth change. His blood is dappled lymph, the colour of types of wine - rosy, pale, and dark. That part is partially inspired by the poem of Charles Baudelair, the Rag-picker's Wine.  Recently, he has started developing independent personality of his own, which he treasures and hides, leaving behind clues so that each time he is reforged by the Zabbaleen for a new task of purpose, he can easily remember who he was, where he left off. That development has also led him to experience a brand new emotion - he is falling in love with the Obelisk, a Name of the Meridian. When the Zabbaleen turn into the mummified, dormant Abeyant, the Rag-picker will inherit the themes of collecting lost things, giving them new purpose, and recycling. =====The Sand Emperor=====
<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription
|image =
|title = The Sand Emperor
|description = '"(wip) You may refer to me as Your Majesty, or just call me Ptolemy, if you wish. Yes, I know you recognise me."'
|aspect0 = Follower
=====The Sand Empress=====
<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription
|image =
=====The Rag-picker=====
Emanated from the Antecedent, an Orpheus-like figure that stopped the wheel of the Antecedent from turning, allowing it to hatch (mirroring the myth of Orpheus stopping the wheel of Ixion from turning with his songs). At that point, he had another name.
Later, he was named the Rag-picker, and for all intents and purposes, he is the same as his master, but more human, their extension in the world. The oldest Name of the Zabbaleen, he serves as their envoy at the Stone Meridian. Sometimes he does leave the Shelter and wanders the Wake (often with the travelling merchant Caravans), and he can also be encountered in the City of Dust. He is one of the Names that bring back the most lost and discarded things for their Hour to tinker with and recycle.
He has many shapes, almost always humanoid, and he switches them as if they were ragdoll-esque full body costumes; alternatively, the Zabbaleen themselves reforge him for his every mission.
When he speaks, or his expression changes, the rags of his face twist and peel off, revealing more faces beneath, or the patterns of his cloth change.
His blood is dappled lymph, the colour of types of wine - rosy, pale, and dark. That part is partially inspired by the poem of Charles Baudelair, the Rag-picker's Wine.
Recently, he has started developing independent personality of his own, which he treasures and hides, leaving behind clues so that each time he is reforged by the Zabbaleen for a new task of purpose, he can easily remember who he was, where he left off. That development has also led him to experience a brand new emotion - he is falling in love with the Obelisk, a Name of the Meridian.
When the Zabbaleen turn into the mummified, dormant Abeyant, the Rag-picker will inherit the themes of collecting lost things, giving them new purpose, and recycling.
A former member of the Amaranthine Aristocracy, they escaped the Palace Askew and wandered into the Zabbaleen's domain, where they were raised by them and forged into a Name that would take care of things related to love.
=====The Factotum=====
The Factotum, more informally known as the ‘the All-In-One’, ‘the Longest’, and ‘the False Name’, is an hourless Name serving under the Zabbaleen. He was created by [[Beast]].
At the impact point of the two Glories, there were – for a brief moment – dents and failings in even the most fundamental of existential laws. Among the laws damaged was something since dubbed ‘the Hierarchy Of Being’, which set the lines between mortals, long, Names, Hours, and otherwise.
Near the end of this brief moment, a man who wasn’t even counted among the Know, who had no understanding of aspects, abruptly found himself counted among the Hours.
The moment passed, and the surviving Hours moved quick to correct these mistakes, but some errors are deeper seated than others, and so the Factotum remains.
<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription
|image =
|title = Factotum
|description = '"wip"'
|aspect0 = Follower
|aspect1 = Summoned
|aspect2 = Tutor
|aspect3 = Health
|quantity3 = 12
|aspect4 = SkillReason
|quantity4 = 5
|aspect6 = SkillHealth
|quantity6 = 5
|aspect8 = SkillPassionF4
|quality8 = 5
|fansus = 4
<div style="margin-top: 20px; text-align: center">{{RecipeDescription
|verb = Work
|title = Summon the Factotum, one of the collected Names of the Chiffonnier
|start_description = wip
|description = wip
|aspect0 = Ritual
|aspect1 = Knock
|quantity1 = 5
|aspect2 =
|quantity2 =
|aspect3 =
|quantity3 =
|fansus = 4
=====The Procyonissimo=====
{{Aspect|Grail}} {{Aspect|Edge}} The Raccoon Brother's Brothers guard their masterMaster's horde and scavenge only the choicest bits of trash in turn. They try to never take the same form twice, ranging from a horde of raccoons in an ill fitting human suit, to immense clawed monstrosities, to (on the surface) humans with masks. They have a tendency to dress well, speak in rapid banter, and fixate on things with absolutely no value to anyone, but they would kill for it regardless.

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