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Old Tarnished

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The Fansus
== Locations ==
=== The Fansus ===
* '''[[The Golden City]]:''' The Golden City is the Golden King’s center of power in the Mansus, where he sits his throne and guides his mortal followers in their actions against the rest of the Hours. The Apple of the Eye did her job well, for the city is truly a paradise of unparalleled beauty and luxury. It’s citizens enjoy eternal life within its borders, and are provided for enough that most are truly content.
King Cortez and his soldiers, however, are not. When word reaches the Golden City of another Hour trying to take power in the Mansus, they ride out with great haste to put down this potential threat to Cortez’s prospective rule, before returning again.
Many citizens of the Golden City arrived after Cortez was bound to the place, and they’ve trickled in over the years. Either seeking to join in the conquest or just wanting a better life, these pilgrims bring offerings of powerful relics and the secrets of the other Hours to the Golden King in exchange for sanctuary and immortality in his service. Those that offer insufficient tribute or try to deceive the Golden King either by attempting to sneak in or cheat him however are either killed or enslaved forever to fuel the eternal war effort.
* '''[[The Province of Dust]]:''' The Province of Dust is the name that has come to describe the ever-growing expanse of dust that has come to denote the border of the Golden King’s domain in the Mansus. Whenever the King retreats to the Golden City, the gold that covered his fleeting domain crumbles to dust, dust that comes to accumulate around the Golden City. This desert of desolation has come to serve both as a marker of territory and a warning to the Hours, that this is where the King holds domain, and the price of challenging him.
The Province is home only to pilgrims that pass through on the way to the Golden City, and the “Dustmen”, Dead and Mortals that were unfortunate enough to be caught outside the Golden City when the Golden King came riding out, and were reduced to dust. More than a few of them were pilgrims that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. They now scrounge out a miserable existence with bodies of dust, digging fruitlessly through the dunes or ambushing caravans of pilgrims seeking an item that would give them either the ability to restore themselves or finally gain citizenship in the city.

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