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The Architeuthian

91 bytes removed, 15:17, 9 July 2018
no edit summary
* [[Snake Tail with Appendages]]: The Architeuthian dislikes the Tail, since it keeps trying to break into the Aquarium and mess with his stuff.
* [[The Engine of Cycles]]: The Architeuthian is waging a secret war against his followers, seeking the power of The Maker.
* [[The Peacock]]: FNORD* [[Old Tarnished]]: FNORD
* [[The Spark]]: The Architeuthian believes that the Star is weak and deceitful, as well as being too nice.
* [[The Cuckoo]]: FNORD* [[The Silver Owl]]: FNORD* [[The Watcher in the Window]]: FNORD* [[The Elder Sister]]: FNORD
* [[The Apple-of-the-Eye]]: FNORD
* [[SWOUP]]: FNORD* [[The Archivist]]: FNORD* [[The Bright-Delver]]: FNORD* [[The Harvester]]: FNORD* [[Blank|<nowiki>[&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;]</nowiki>]]: FNORD* [[The Insidious]]: FNORD* [[The Snow-Stained]]: FNORD* [[The Fanged Bramble]]: FNORD
* [[The Aged Bones]]: These two Hours have a sort of teacher-student relationship. The Architeuthian is proud of her ascension. As with the Anaconda, he is debatably a friend with her.
* [[The Mendicant Without]]: Somewhat manipulating, fed them an account of Mansus history which paints him in a very positive light and his enemies in a negative one. Granted them access to the Aquarium, in order to garner more favor with them, since they're not normally allowed in the Mansus.
* [[The Anvil]]: FNORD
* [[The Maker]]: The Architeuthian coveted the Forge-power of the Maker, which is now consumed by The Engine.
* [[The Deceiver]]: FNORD* [[The Huntsman]]: FNORD* [[The Great Serpent]]: FNORD

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