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120 bytes added, 05:51, 26 August 2018
Adjusting relations to account for current roster/additional legibility.
== Relationships ==
<small>=Current Hours=
* [[The Storm-Tossed]]:
* [[The Spirarch]]: Neutral. The Spirarch oversaw the Maw's pact, and for that the Spirarch has the Maw's closest equivalent to gratitude it can muster.
* [[The Perennial]]:
* [[The Red Lady]]: Confused. Feels a vague sense of kinship, doesn't understand ''why''. A gesture similar to a shrug is performed, and the Maw Consuming resumes it's prior endeavors.
* [[The Hunter]]/The Worm's Foundations: (A) good sport. Pity they won't join the Maw's hunters, but they are welcome at the Maw's table regardless. Not quite bloodthirsty enough for the Maw, but of all the hours in the Mansus the Hunter would make for the finest host.
* [[The Masquerade]]:
* [[The Bright Tapestry]]: <s>Uncertain. Has hints of something old, something primal. Familiar, yet?..</s> Ignorance. The Maw doesn't pretend it understands the Bright Tapestry, and has concluded leaving it alone is probably fine.
* [[The Die Cutter]]: ??? Who is this? Why are they in ''my'' forest? ''Are'' they in my forest? Uncertainty, doubt. The Maw doesn't like this, but lacks the information to act. An hour? An elaborate prank? ?????
* [[The Mother Bear]]: Neutral, hesitant acquaintance. As part of the Maw Consuming's pact, the Maw ensures none of its murderers or other ruffians it brought to the forest enters the Mansus proper. As the Mother Bear guards the Mansus entrance proper, it was inevitable the two would meet. Has something of the Maw's Nature versus the Mother Bear's nurture going on.
* [[The Maw Consuming]]: The Maw isn't one for much introspection. Still, the Maw has yet to wholly dismiss the lingering gnaw of ''why'' they seek to perpetuate the cycle of hunter and prey. Perhaps the answer might be just around the bend, another perpetuation of the cycle away... Mildly miffed about spending more time herding murderers than properly growing.
* [[The Succulent Glow]]: Peculiar vegetable. An ambitious individual, but a vegetable nonetheless. The Maw has been informed repeatedly the Succulent Glow is a fungus, but has yet to dignify them with proper taxonomy. Thinks their Sycophants go well with a honey-glaze and a slow-roast. The Pact may have limited the aquisition of such, but sometimes a Hunter might still find these rare truffles for the feast. <small>The Maw Consuming has had their referral of the Succulent Glow's Sycophants as "truffles" pointed out to them. The Maw immediately denied any such thing, before commenting on how the chef did a wonderful job roasting the truffles that year. Whether the Maw Consuming is aware of this discrepancy is a favorite discussion-piece of the lesser tables.</small>
* [[The Knife's Edge]]:* [[The Shambling Dawn]]: ??? (The Shambling Dawn is too esoteric for the Maw. Puts on an impressive show, though.)
* [[The Warrior Maid]]: Kin. She is so close, so similar. But she just doesn't understand. Too busy enjoying death to remember ''why'' the Maw practices its survival of the fittest lifestyle. No matter, her armies provide good fodder for the Maw's murderers. Pity they aren't quite as easy to recruit from.
* [[The Ferric Brand]]:
* [[]]:
* [[The Fell-Feaster]]: Disappointed. Their dedication to hunger is admirable. Their being wholly consumed by said hungers is shameful.
* [[The Monument]]: "Who? Is this another example of 'art' like that more-opened one? Or is it like that dye-cutter thing?... Oh, this is an elaborate combination of the two into some new artpiece isn't it? Good show, good show..." -The Maw Consuming, not even the slightest understanding what it's talking about. Or who.
* [[The Cub]]: Bemused annoyance, formerly snack. The Pact only applies within the mansus, but an Hour is an Hour, even a weak one could carve through their murderers with ease. Still, the Maw Consuming begrudgingly acknowledges it's shared interest in personal growth.
* [[The Seraph]]: Vague Shrug. Doesn't really understand the Seraph, but can appreciate it's requests for solitude. Sometimes the Seraphs music is appreciated down in the forest, sometimes the forest residents wish the Seraph wasn't quite so thundering.
* [[Flint-and-Steel]]:* [[Our Lady Betrayed]]:
* [[]]:
* [[The Worm Funktastic]]: Befuddled annoyance. The Maw is a primitive hour, and has little understanding of music or any variety of art. What it ''does'' understand is that not all of its murderers die in the forest, that some vanish to the tune of a saxophone in the night.
* [[The Rotted Ox]]: Revulsion. The Maw understands the value of endings, but sees them as the foundation for new beginnings. A pause in song, a rest between hunts. The Rotted Ox's dedication to the end is a repulsive aberration to be denied.
* [[]]:
* [[Our Lady's Resolve]]:
* [[The More-Opened]]: Vague Shrug. The Maw thinks it's an example of this "art" thing it hears about rather than an Hour proper. A well timed intervention prevented the Maw from attempting to offer it's vague ideas as to "this criticism thing", and souring Pact negotiations further.
* [[]]:
* [[The Unending Worm]]: Neutral. The Maw has little reason to be involved with the Unending Worm directly, but does admire the Worms work ethic.
* [[The Clavier]]:
* [[]]:
=One-Time Hours=
* [[The Shambling Dawn]]: ??? (The Shambling Dawn is too esoteric for the Maw. Puts on an impressive show, though.)
* [[The Fell-Feaster]]: Disappointed. Their dedication to hunger is admirable. Their being wholly consumed by said hungers is (a) shameful (disgrace).
== Misc/Editor Notes ==
Material here won't be ''directly'' transferred to the Maw's article proper.
<small>Will however be used for contemplating/storing material; either as ideas or future reference.</small>

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