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25 bytes added, 06:05, 19 July 2018
== Lantern ==
=== Basil ===
Troublemaker: Basil wrangles the occult onto the canvas as inspiration dims.</br>Acquaintance: The most influential people have posed for Basil's brush and palette, but his hands have grown tired of faces. </br>Believer: Basil spends long days in contemplation, and longer nights with the paints. His muse is a comet, but we have granted him a telescope.</br>Disciple: No self-respecting gallery will showcase Basil's works. He is only happy to draw what he had always wanted to.</br>Astrologer: Basil keeps his eyes to the sun during the day, to the stars at night. Every week or so, he will come to us carrying what he had seen in the sky.</br>
Prisoner: Basil sits silently, occasionally tracing lines in the air.
== Edge ==
== Grail ==

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