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715 bytes added, 11:57, 22 July 2018
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== Worship ==
=== Cults ===
*The Fang-Gild Club.**FNORD/"Not really serious about serving the Maw. Mostly in it for the longevity, really. Doesn't hurt that hunting others in the Forest makes for fine sport, either."*The Clawblunters**FNORD/"Somewhere between trying to cheat the Maw's "system" and taking the Maw just serious enough. Have I said FNORD already? This one is especially FNORD and likely won't be in the article proper. Probably not a Bureau front."*Young Teeth Club/Sparkling Ivory Club/FNORD**FNORD/"A club of backstabbers, murderers, and all manner of violent individual. Less a club and more a bar serving a proper rogues gallery. Probably has a score-board to tally victims, not to mention the stories they trade here."
=== Mark ===
The Maw's marks recognize ones dedication to the hunt, a notch on an arm or leg. Focus of sight and strength of bone. A straightness of posture and sharpness of teeth. So long as your dedication to the survival of the fittest remains true, you will never dull. Falter in your faith, and you will find yourself on another Hunter's menu.

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