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The Bright Tapestry

181 bytes added, 02:40, 15 June 2019
== Description ==
As an An hour of old fell , at its falling many EYES shone as they too fell too. It is was from these bright and bloodied EYES that The Bright Tapestry arose. Furtive Furtively and secretive secretively it weaves tangles deep in the passing shadows. As And as the shadows pass, The Bright Tapestry passes with it, them; the light yet catches, reflecting and focusing. It strays never near its creations for fear of the light it so covets. It fears and yearns for the day when the whole of the Mansus will be lit and it can no longer escape the light, a subsumption that cannot be denied.
=== Appearance ===
The Bright Tapestry has a body organized like that of spideran arachnid, but smooth and hairless. Two arms are those of a man, another two of a stag, two of a wolf, and the final two of an unknowable creature of sap and stone. Its bulbous head is a pulsating mass of black inky orbs that reflect all but the dimmest of lightswith an equal but shadowed glowing intensity. It wears a makeshift dress robe of rocks, twigs,metallic scrap,and various metallic scrap organics from which It crafts the skeletons of Its lights. It is unknown where It acquires these materials, though clearly the scavenger possesses vast hidden stores.
=== Principles ===

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