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Midnight's Plaza

147 bytes added, 12:53, 26 October 2018
** I return home sweating and shaking. This is not a night I should dwell on, but I am safe at home now. Right?
** Provides Dread
* In the darkness, the paths seem to twist. All I see are the stars - perhaps if I walk this road I can ascend to the sky? Or perhaps They blaze down upon me, their cold light searing my bones. I must embrace them - how can I lift beyond the treetops? ** I awake in am roused from my sleep when I fall from the treetops by a friendly passerby offering me a pittancebranches of tree. My body is unbruised - but my mind, oh my mind. I wander home, dazed by the brightness brilliance of the night.
** Provides Fascination
* In the chill of the night, the path and the grass and the hedges are indistinguishable. I nearly trip, but I catch myself. This park is a challenge, and I shall overcome it with all my strength. The night air invigorates an renews me.

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