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The Reminisce

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The Fansus
* [[The Neoplasm]]: In order for one to reach the FNORD, they must first cross the cancerous, shifting mass that is the Neoplasm.
* [[The Neoplasm]]: Surrounding the FNORD is a vast organic landscape that marks the Recollections territory. reaches of the recollections, the Neoplasm is considered the   * [[The Wall of Ages]]: Surrounding the Recollections domain is perhaps the most organically inorganic constructs in the House; A membrane like barrier, formed from countless structures of both nature and man piled one atop the other. Believed to have been created by the Once-More as a peremptory measure against it's many potential threats, The Wall of Ages appears as a massive makeshift wall; constructed from countless structures and formations throughout the histories piled atop one another. Both natural and unnatural structures appear in the wall, with formations growing older the further up one travels. The layout and composition of the integrated structures all appear to randomly shift in culture and/or region at varying intervals-possibly at will. The external and internal dimensions are also wildly inconsistent, with attempts at direct passage through the wall being either immensely shorter or infinitely longer on a case to case basis. It's been noted that followers and long of certain Hours tend to be denied with grater or absolute frequency, with some consistently failing to return after entering. The few that return injured claim that, in addition to Scavenger and FNORDswarms; the Wall itself attacked them. The validity of these claims remains unconfirmed.  All structures found seem angled to fit almost seamlessly into one another, bending space to appear level and well fit while retaining the dimensions of the originals. Rooms only seem to manifest within the building the room originated from, however this remains somewhat unconfirmed. Walls hammered down occasionally contain All rooms are furnished to resemble what their composition would have looked like at some random point in its existence. All windows found within that would not lead to the outside of the wall, when closed, have a secondary view that is believed to display a random scene the window in question would have originally looked over. This secondary view overlays the first, and while allegedly difficult and disorienting, does not prevent one from viewing the adjacent room or ones reflection.Additionally, several almost identical copies of some structures and buildings have been found; more than could have resulted from the main fractures of history. This has lead occult scholars to believe that the wall is also compiling demi-real branches into its formation, though this remains unconfirmed among scholars.  Walls that are broken have occasionally been said to reveal non-building structures like statues, graves and monuments. it is possible to hammer or mine down walls and achieve similar results, though this takes a great deal of difficulty. Like the Neoplasm, the Wall has been confirmed as a living organism capable of regeneration and growth, with new formations often seen reportedly rising from the bottom. Once generated, the structures seems remains at the base of the Wall until its existing counterpart is demolished, where upon it begins rising upwards. If only a portion of the existing building is demolished, that relevant portion on the Wall will sink upwards while the remainder remained unchanged. If part of the existing building is remolded, the structure on the Wall will reportedly undergo a sort of mitosis. Once finished, one of the two will alter itself to fit the renovations while the latter sinks up the wall.
=== The Histories ===

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