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The Apothecarium

8 bytes removed, 13:36, 21 April 2019
*<big>* The Outer Layer</big> ====
**'''Clearance & Checkup Points A'''- Entry and Exit from certain layers of the Recollection requires a number of screening checks to discern the state of incoming patients and the assessment of threats. Point A, while primarily clearance based, addresses mostly surface level detection such as Name or Long status, the presence of mortal or occult equipment, and detection of those infected by the Blight Abiding. Proving positive for the last will result in the subject being restrained by the gate and immediately being escorted off the premise for restraint and treatment, and removed from the domain with prejudges if the Blight cannot be fully extracted.
** '''The Front Desk'''-
** '''Clearance & Checkup Points B'''-
** '''The Lesser Treatment Divisions'''-
*<big>* The Main Divisions</big>
** '''Clearance Point C'''- More intricate measures requires more resources, which in turn requires further security. This point sees the subjects background and capability ruling from point B reanalyzed, before being escorted to a treatment area by a prepositional amount of security-usually about 2 Sentinels. Violence will result in the subject being detained and taken to a Treatment Ward. Patients may choose to opt out of treatment at any time, at which point they will simply be escorted back to the Front Desk. Rival Names will be escorted off site to be treated in one of the Greater Wards. If this cannot be done, thye will be restrained within one of these wards and then transported inside under heavy guard.
** '''The Lesser Ward Divisions'''-
** '''Clearence Point D'''- Identical to Point C in function. Exists to ensure those with affinity for knock can't just pass into the Greater divisions.
** '''Greater Treatment Divisions'''-
<big>* The Inner Sanctum</big>
**'''The Ages Within'''- Another technique 'inspired' by the Millions-Upon-Millions. (WIP)
**'''The Sanctum of the Mind'''- The chamber of the Model-Maker. (WIP)
**'''The Ages Within'''- Another technique 'inspired' by the Millions-Upon-Millions. (WIP)
**'''The Heart of the Recollection'''- Little is known of this location beyond that it houses 'the Recollection's most important patients and projects'. It is said that the reclusive ''Counsel of Parts'', who advise the distribution of the all the hour's resources, can be found within.

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