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User:Leathy Kocktail

7 bytes added, 23:39, 17 June 2019
The Co-Writer's Covenant dedicate themselves to documenting everything that is happening everywhere all the time, and interpreting the nonsense that comes of it.
*'''The Secretarians'''
''"With his many Arms, the Author lifted up the Beasts of the Wood to stand, to speak, and read as Humanity does. In gratitude, they are his editors, his assistants, his secretaries. They always bear the faces of the furred beasts: the rodent, the canine, the feline, the animals found in the countryside. I have found they appreciate pats considerably less then their counterparts outside of the House."
<br> -''The Pen, Indelible'', Dubedat Locke
''"I never truly cared for liked [Secretarians]. Intelligence gave them airs of sophistication that I've never much cared for, even before my arrival. They do serve well as entertainment, however. There is a way to distract them from their duties, if you've the right bait..."
-''What to Do with Paper'', Jos. Cz
*'''The Secretarians'''
* '''The Head Secretarian''' - {{Aspect|Lantern}} {{Aspect|Secret Histories}} - A Jackal-Headed scholar who leads the effort to curate the work in the Scriptorium. He has read more of the Ink's work than anything living, or dead. He is a very busy Dog-Person, but may spare you some time if treated with respect. The Head Secretarian is not known for his humility.
* '''"Jos. Cz"''' - {{Aspect|Heart}} {{Aspect|Grail}} - Somewhere in the marked halls of the Scriptorium is a woman who built and destroyed lives with her correspondences. Her poetry and prose wets the appetites of even the strongest mortals, and many are lost in her eternal lettersof longing. If you catch her attention correctly, she may send you such a letter.

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