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The Way-Light

343 bytes added, 07:27, 12 August 2019
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| quote = We call upon The Wisp-Light, who shall show us the way through the underground...
| origin = From-Flesh (Once-Mortal)
| titles = The Wisp-Light, HeThat-WhoWhich-Lurks-Beneath, The Rain-Walker.
| names = [Tales Lie Yet Untold]
| aspects = {{Aspect|Moth}} {{Aspect|Knock}} {{Aspect|SH}}
Early WIPThe Way-Light, also known as The Wisp-Light, That-Which-Lurks-Beneath and The Rain-Walker, is a Moth-Knock-SH Hour created by ~~the great~~ Nephilim. Stay tunedHe is an urban trickster god associated with neon lights, underground clubs, walkers.and rain-soaked misty streets.He is known as a mysterious guide to the mortals who seek him, and his intentions never seem to be entirely clear.

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