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The Ink

1,077 bytes added, 05:04, 19 August 2019
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| title = The Ink
| card =
| quote = "I have that on recordYes! Yes! An interesting idea! But what if. Probably. Somewhere."
| origin = Flesh
| titles = The Scient, The Ever Writer, The Many-Armed Author
| names = The Head Secretarian, 'Jos. Cz', Dubedat Locke, Secretarian Yossarius
| aspects = {{Aspect|HeartLantern}} {{Aspect|Moth}} {{Aspect|LanternHeart}}| arrival = The Death of Raised by the PanopticonSpirarch
| owners = Leathy Kocktail (Link to your user page here, for example, [[User:Leathy Kocktail|Leathy Kocktail]])
The Ink appears as a man with permanently ink-stained arms and legs. He has no mouth, but his eyes are an ever shifting pool of Aspect Pigmentation. He has a seemingly infinite number of arms, and a seemingly infinite number of quills and papers in the folds of his cloak with which he is constantly writing. He has been seen with no fewer than a half dozen arms and no more than a hundred thousand.
As he has no mouth (that he shows regularly), the Ink communicates by writing his words as a glowing trail in the air.
In order of importance, The Ink is bright and knows much from his duties, and shines that knowledge upon his writing with {{Aspect|Lantern}}. But he is capricious with his writing, Full of fiction and fabulism, and never satisfied with one story, he will drop unfinished drafts and shed his darlings as would a {{Aspect|Moth}}. But if it is one thing that is true for Ink, he will not
<br>will not
<br>will not stop writing. {{Aspect|Heart}}
===Before He Knew===
-''What to Do With Paper'' by Jos. Cz
 The Co-Writer's Covenant dedicate themselves to fervent writer's salons and the hoarding of all texts, and interpreting the nonsense that comes of both pursuits. Wherever stories are told, text is collected, and books are hoarded, you may find a Covenant.
The Secretarians are animals who find their way into the Wood of the Mansus, and are uplifted to immortal spirits by the Ink. They claim to be human, all go by the name 'Secretarian', and (almost) all are fiercely loyal to maintaining the cleanliness and organization of the Scriptorium. All Secretarians put special care into their fashion and presentation, although they often appear about 50 years behind the current fashion and may fudge some details.
The Ink is fairly lackadaisical and hands off (So to speak) with his servants, their true master being the Head Secretarian. When a Secretarian finds themself in opposition with the Head, they either choose to leave the Scriptorium forever, or are forced by a breach of 'code'.
* '''The Head Secretarian''' - {{Aspect|Lantern}} {{Aspect|Secret Histories}} - A Jackal-Headed scholar who leads the effort to curate the work in the Scriptorium. He has read more of the Ink's work than anything living, or dead. He is a very busy Dog-Person, but may spare you some time if treated with respect. The Head Secretarian is not known for his humility.
* '''"Jos. Cz"''' - {{Aspect|Heart}} {{Aspect|Grail}} - Somewhere in the marked halls of the Scriptorium is a woman who built and destroyed lives with her correspondences. Her poetry and prose wets the appetites of even the strongest mortals, and many are lost in her eternal letters of longing. If you catch her attention correctly, she may send you such a letter.
* '''The Editorius''' - {{Aspect|Moth}} {{Aspect|Edge}} - Upon wings of parchment, the Editorius rises with the thinest of blades to cut down the darlings of the writer. They are viscious. They are unforgiving. They are one of the judges that which all those who wish to enter the Ink's service must appease before they are graced.
* '''Dubedat Locke''' - {{Aspect|Moth}} {{Aspect|Knock}} - Once a distractable and eccentric playwright of ambition, his writings tell of far off places and fantastical journeys, horrid beasts and a terrifying Wood. Be careful about his publications, lest you fall in. Newly Long, he is eager to speak of his many imagined paths with anyone who would listen.

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