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The Zabbaleen

417 bytes added, 10:08, 6 September 2019
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=====Sand Emperor=====
<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription
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=====Sand Empress=====
<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription
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=====The Rag-picker=====
The Name that serves as the Zabbaleen's envoy at the Stone Meridian. Sometimes he does leave the Moving City and wanders the Wake. He is one of the Names that bring back the most things for their Hour to tinker with and recycle. He has many shapes, and he switches them as if they were rag-doll-esque full body costumes.
=====The Factotum=====
The Factotum, more informally known as the ‘the All-In-One’, ‘the Longest’, and ‘the False Name’, is an hourless Name serving under the Zabbaleen.
====The Garbage City of Mokattam====
Remnants of the kingdom of Egypt that once sprawled across Northern Africa, Asia Minor and Greece, now surrounding the Ziggurat. Partially a necropolis, partially a huge garbage disposal area, filled with things that they have gathered.
====The Banks of the River of the Rocks====
The City spreads wide, and a part of it is close to the River. Curious things wash ashore there, all of them carefully collected. This was once the real of another, ancient god-from-Stone; it is gone, now, its entire being recycled almost completely. All that is left of it are the Paper Banks, rich with papyrus and gilded lilies tattooed into the soil.
===The Histories===

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