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The Mare-Night

1,323 bytes added, 20:29, 9 October 2019
Valerius, Scourge Promised
<div style="margin-top: 20px; text-align: center">{{RecipeDescription
|verb = Work
|title = Summon a wrathful Name of the Mare-NightHunter's Moon
|start_description = The Scourge Promised is a double-edged sword to summon, but if i want to run the risk, i could call him to me with the promise of a challenge, and a little reminder of his master...
|description = The Champion before me stands tall, with the body of a man and the head of a war-horse. He could tear me apart, with ease, if he desired. The armored steed under him stares at me with a distant gaze.
|aspect0 = Ritual
|aspect1 = Moth
[HEAVY WIP] ==== Justine, Saturnian ===='''2<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom:Tanata, The Vigilante20px;">{{ElementDescription|image = |title = Justine|description = ''' - An once-mortal, now under the servitude of the Mare. A justiciera who commits I have no words to dark deeds in silence in the dead of night, when the Hunter-Moon shines brightestsay. She takes only during times of necessity. Her own necessity applies just as well in this caseI hope you do, of coursetoo. {{Aspect'|aspect0 = Follower|aspect1 = Summoned|aspect2 = Tutor|aspect3 = Deceiver|quantity3 = 12|aspect4 = Edge|7}} {{Aspectquantity4 = 12|aspect5 = Winter|quantity5 = 12|fansus = 3}}</div>
She is described as a skinny<div style="margin-totop: 20px; text-align: center">{{RecipeDescription|verb = Work|title = Summon a chilling Name of theMare-bone womanNight|start_description = The Saturnian is not a Name who answers, no older than 30often, flat-chestedto calls. But perhaps the offer of a quiet atmosphere and a good story might lure her out of hiding, dressed in for a Flamenco dancer's red dresstime. She wears long red gloves up to her shoulders|description = When Justine speaks, covering her claws, and her midnight-black all fall silent. Her hair is tied into a bunwhite as the first snow. She Her halo is blind, but the Mare has granted her other ways to seelike a hundred crystal-shard rings in all tones of beige and blue. She The pale unicorn she rides on a pale horsecries in ice and sky, whose back legs and head are skeletalI fear the day she smiles at me once more.|aspect0 = Ritual|aspect1 = SH|quantity1 = 5|aspect2 = Winter|quantity2 = 10|aspect3 = Knock|quantity3 = 2|fansus = 3}}</div>==== 3:Alastor, The Blight-Father==== <div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription|image = |title = Alastor|description = '[WIP]'|aspect0 = Follower|aspect1 = Summoned|aspect2 = Tutor|aspect3 = Deceiver|quantity3 = 12|aspect4 = Edge|quantity4 = 12|aspect5 = Knock|quantity5 = 12|fansus = 3}}</div>
'''3<div style="margin-top:Alastor, The Blight-Father''' 20px; text- align: center">{{RecipeDescription|verb = Work|title = [WIP]|start_description = [WIP]|description = [WIP]|aspect0 = Ritual|aspect1 = SH|quantity1 = 5|aspect2 = Winter|quantity2 = 10|aspect3 = Knock|quantity3 = 2|fansus = 3}}</div>An once-mortal, now under the servitude of the Mare. An elegant, clever, scientific nobleman with an unusual knowledge of the venomous, the bizarre, the unnatural and the incomprehensible. Take no sip of any teas he offers you, or you may find yourself awake in an alleyway with a searing fever and only rags for clothing. {{Aspect|Knock|12}} {{Aspect|Winter|9}}
Alastor is described as being a tall boy with short, blonde hair and light blue eyes, who wears heavy makeup and jewelry. He is usually seen dressed as a plague doctor, with syringes over each of his fingers on his gloves. He rides on a weak, green-furred kelpie with mushrooms growing all over it, and its skull exposed by rot.

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