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The Mare-Night

46 bytes removed, 06:08, 10 October 2019
=== Mark ===
# '''Temptation: The Hunt''': I have 've seen something, walking the signs Wood. A silhouette through my dreamsthe trees. DaggersI heard the howls of those which lurk in the shadows, beasts, horses and dark alleyways.the final screams of those less fortunate than II know there's something there for me.# '''Dedication: The Hunt''': She has acknowledged me as one of her own! I must get readyMost humans would refuse, for i don't know what will comeyet the beast within desires.# '''Ascension: The WalkPredator''': The forest beyond is cold and unforgiving. But she has hidden something here for me- Yet i First I must take it without her eyes on me. If i faillearn to walk unseen, her claws will be upon meas a tiger stalks in the undergrowth. I must learn the art of Stealthcan't help but notice how my skin hardly fits me anymore.# '''Ascension: The CallPredator''': The Mare demands I hear her calls for sacrifice. She demands as i do the blood and flesh cries of what - a newborn or who - i love the mostfootsteps of a stranger. And i must not shed a single tear in the processThey're irresistible. I must learn the art of Slaughteram growing restless.# '''Ascension: The ThirstPredator''': The heartbeats Every passing day i feel more and more like a wild animal. I wander in the depths of the night, patrolling this corner of wonderful prey sing to my heightened sensesthe world that is mine. I cannot go smile in public anymore. Not with these hands, Not with these eyes. I must learn the art of Self-Restraint.# '''Ascension: The Predator''': The mirror fears my silhouette. The dark corners of the city whisper my name in hushed tones with trembling lips. She looks I've come to me with hope, and a beastly smile. Now, know i cannot live among people anymore - But i must learn no longer desire the art company of Sewing- her last, most innocent gift to me. Soon, we ride into the sunsetmy prey.
=== Servants ===

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