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The Bureau (F1.5)

1,074 bytes added, 06:04, 7 November 2019
History V
*Long, straight wine-red hair.
*Lime-green eyes.
*Arms and legs are covered with tattoos, mostly of constellations, stars, line-drawings and fluffy poems.*Always wearing a hat of some kind, and glasses. *Wears a necklace with two lightly-warded black gems. *Is the only Director to wear black. Has once been described as appearing "As if she were mourning her future enemies".  Description:Formerly Special Agent #013 "Longslayer", more of a warrior than an inspector. Possibly the most public of the Directors, and widely feared by occultists. No Long dares utter her name in the open. There are many rumours about her, most of which are untrue, or just plain impossible.  The Fifth History is a warzone, in which Freyja is a general - she keeps herself under absurd amounts of security (Which is often more afraid of her than the threats they defend her from), and will take every possible measure to prevent further chaos, even if it means partaking in its creation. A supporter of "using evil to fight evil", she considers herself a rebel mystic as well. Her primary weakness is her inability to resist challenge.
=== History VI ===

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