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The Curtain's Falling

1,000 bytes added, 16:58, 9 November 2019
The Magnificent Conclusion takes a variety of forms. Most prominently, these two:
*An Eurasian Magpie, with four wings whose feathers end in exquisitely carved silver blades forged from tears of pain and frustration. Its gilded eyes have patterns resembling ♣️, and are always crying tears of flawless garnet and diamond. Its face bears a permanent expression of disgust. On its head it wears a silver golden crown of gears with gems inscribed with masterful poetry, shaped like eyesscorpions and cups.  *A young, pale-skinned man with the head of a black dog, whose left eye is a dark purple and right eye a perfect gold. Its ears are like a jackal's, cartoonishly long and pointed, pierced with jeweled gilded chains,and earrings in the shape of cups and staves. Its hair is black with checkered patterns in lilac and a single white streak. Its left arm is full of scars which are constantly spilling ink like open wounds. It wears a dark blue (beyond navy) suit with a lilac tie and lighter, muted blue stripes. It wears a pin with a [И] sigil and a mantle of magpie feathers, and a necklace with an expensive fountain pen. Its clawed hands are full of luxurious rings worth more than what half the people of the world earn a month. It wears a black-and-violet jester hat with a crown for a base over its left ear. Its long, spiralling tail holds a lantern whose light is an eye. It looks at all humans with a condescending expression, like a person looks at a foolish child. 
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