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The Bright-Delver

133 bytes added, 09:31, 3 July 2018
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* [[The Aged Bones]]: The Aged Bones ascended from the First History, that History which the Delver shaped the course of. The Delver herself is deeply proud of this Hour despite Architeuthian being the patron instead.
* [[The Mendicant Without]]: The Delver interceded on the Mendicant's behalf to prevent its death by Anaconda, and is doing her best to teach it how to be a proper Hour.
* [[The Ferryman]]: If the plan the Mendicant has suggested succeeds, this Hour is the first on Delver's list of enemies to mortals.
* [[The Great Serpent]]: The Great Serpent spawned the Bright-Delver, and she often refers to it as her father. She is ambivalent about bringing her father back to the Fansus, however.
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