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The Architeuthian

930 bytes added, 15:40, 9 July 2018
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* '''Two Beings''' ({{Aspect|Secret Histories|2}}, Contentment): A fable written in the style of a children’s story about a squid and a reptile, and the friendship they share. The illustrations are typical of books written by the People’s Committee for Openings.
* '''Monsters of the Sea''' ({{Aspect|Lantern|8}}): A bestiary discussing sea creatures monstrous and mundane. Study Start: The tone is patronizing, but the text itself is accurate and detailed. Perhaps a little overly-detailed, considering how unlikely it would be for the author to visit many of the deep-sea places discussed. Study Finish: The end of the book has a twenty-page dissertation on the possible mating rituals and reproductive habits of the ‘colossal abyssal squid.’ More than anyone should ever learn. In Latin.
* '''The Unmaking of The Maker''' ({{Aspect|Forge|8}}): This book is written in an almost academic format, like a student writing an essay. The author does not divulge their name. Study Start: There was once a God-from-Stone, one of many consumed by The Engine during the Ignition. The Architeuthian took affront to this, for he desired the Forge-power that The Maker had. That power now exists somewhere deep within The Engine. It is foolish for The Architeuthian to combat this consuming power directly, after the events of the Fifth History, so he wages a secret war against its followers, across the Histories. Study Finish: Shortly after the Ignition, The Architeuthian came to remaining servants of The Maker, the Unfinished, and offered them a deal. Vengeance for their dead god, and an avenue of further advancement, in the service of the Architeuthian. The rest were either slain, or left to the whims of other Hours.

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