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1,657 bytes added, 11:55, 26 July 2018
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| title = | card = File:Stolentemplate
| origin = God-from-Blood
| titles = ''Old Ivory''<br />''The Resident'' 
| names = ''The Maw Consuming''
| aspects ={{Aspect|Heart}} {{Aspect|Edge}} {{Aspect|Grail}}
The Maw was first found in the forest amongst a jungle grove. It's date of arrival is unknown, but it's strong ties to the forest suggest it came ''with'' the forest. The Maw has only left the forest for the mansus once, and only to forge its pact.
*The Maw Consuming is beholden to its pact, and following one too many murderers bumbling into the mansus proper, is now responsible for any actions they get up to in the mansus. There are loopholes, but booing and jeering individuals lurking near or around the mansus entrances into entering the forest only worked so many times before the residents caught on.
Its tarot card is The Hermit.
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* [[The Bright Tapestry]]:
* [[The Die Cutter]]: ??? Who is this? Why are they in ''my'' forest? ''Are'' they in my forest? Uncertainty, doubt. The Maw doesn't like this, but lacks the information to act. An hour? An elaborate prank? ?????
* [[The Mother Bear]]: Neutral, hesitant acquaintance. As part of the Maw Consuming's pact, the Maw ensures none of its murderers or other ruffians it brought to the forest enters the Mansus proper. As the Mother Bear guards the Mansus entrance proper, it was inevitable the two would meet. Has something of the Maw's Nature versus the Mother Bear's nurture going on.
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* [[The Fell-Feaster]]: Disappointed. Their dedication to hunger is admirable. Their being wholly consumed by said hungers is shameful.
* [[The Monument]]: "Who? Is this another example of 'art' like that more-opened one? Or is it like that dye-cutter thing?... Oh, this is an elaborate combination of the two into some new artpiece isn't it? Good show, good show..." -The Maw Consuming, not even the slightest understanding what it's talking about. Or who.* [[The Cub]]: Bemused annoyance, formerly snack. The Pact only applies within the mansus, but an Hour is an Hour, even a weak one could carve through their murderers with ease. Still, the Maw Consuming begrudgingly acknowledges it's shared interest in personal growth.* [[The Seraph]]:Vague Shrug. Doesn't really understand the Seraph, but can appreciate it's requests for solitude. Sometimes the Seraphs music is appreciated down in the forest, sometimes the forest residents wish the Seraph wasn't quite so thundering.
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* [[The More-Opened]]:Vague Shrug. The Maw thinks it's an example of this "art" thing it hears about rather than an Hour proper. A well timed intervention prevented the Maw from attempting to offer it's vague ideas as to "this criticism thing", and souring Pact negotiations further.
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* [[The Unending Worm]]: Neutral. The Maw has little reason to be involved with the Unending Worm directly,
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