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The Recollection

361 bytes added, 22:36, 15 April 2019
For individuals this generally translates to prevention of death; including things from simple medicine and antibiotics, to resuscitation and immortality. However, most fail to realize this also translates to ones legacy; the image that inspires imitators or successors, be they decedents or simply random inspired souls.
Similarly, this also applies to empires. Subverted royal families and ; overthrown rulers or crowns; heirs, with nothing to turn to; benevolent and tyrannical rulers alike, call upon the Recollection to see their rule reigns restored. Those facing the threat of fall also call upon the recollection Recollection to mend the weakness within or ensure return, for better or for worse. Controversially for all parties involved, Revolutionaries sometimes call upon a few believe that some notable revolutionaries were given the Recollection to see the fruits Once-More's blessing in times of similar movements recreated by their own. Why the Recollection chooses to endorse those who'd overthrow the old desperation, although this remains a mysteryunconfirmed.
It should also be mentioned goes without saying that restorers, historians, and researchers archaeologists will occasionally often call on the Recollection when attempting to repair damaged artifacts or artworks, recover an incomplete recounting, or revive lost ideas respectivelyfor aid in their particular fields.
Second is the cost of survival, or; the changes that come with defying or and unmaking death. This The principles of the Millions-Upon-Millions is less perhaps the foremost obstacle a belief so much moral faces when seeking to deny the inevitable, as it's by its decree that the old must give way to the new. The birth of the Recollection, however, identified a ruleloophole in this principle; what qualifies as 'New' was never specified. If the old alters itself to a certain point, the Law will considers it a new entity, though if anything that makes sparing it all from both the more necessary inevitable end and the Omnipede's judgment.This lost aspect of the old form can then, with extensive effort, be restored with little consequence.Naturally, this is much easier to learndo with empires and objects than it is people. (WIP)
The third and final regards the frameworks known as essential framework that memories and recordsprovide. (WIP)
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