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The Peacock

1,613 bytes added, 19:17, 28 June 2018
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The Uppermost levels are home to the Peacock and his Names themselves, who plan for the day that the Young Upstart might once again stand dominant over the Upper House of the Serpent.
== Organizations ==
* [[The Choir Unceasing]]: The Choir Unceasing is comprised of those who willingly choose to serve the Peacock above all others. Their ranks are mostly comprised of Dead and Long, who can only partake in the Peacock's worship as they are either incapable of dying or far more difficult to kill. There was a point where the Choir Unceasing dominated the Upper Mansus, their numbers bolstered by legions of Long seduced from the other Hours. It was the Golden King who cut vast swathes through their seemingly insurmountable numbers and left the stolen Long naught but dust before him. Currently the remains Choir has been sequestered to the Revel Unending, but there have been rumblings of a planned return to power, using strength drawn from a recent disaster in the mortal Histories.
* [[The Crimson Choir]]: The Crimson Choir dedicates itself to the worship of the unified worship of both Aviform Hours of the Grail. The sobering Hour of the Cuckoo is called upon to keep members lucid and receive the brunt of the Peacock's "generosity" so that the mortals can survive it, while the Hour of the Peacock bestows guidance and blessings. It is though worshiping both that the worship of either is the safest.
* [[The Assembly of the Holy Vessels]]: While ostensibly an organization dedicated to the worship of the now defunct Maker, the Peacock has become the predominant patron of the far-fallen order. Through his seductions and temptations, the Broken-Bird and his Long entice the Unfinished back to the side of the Maker's cult, and away from the Hours that have since taken them in.
== Relationships ==
* [[The Architeuthian]]: Although the Peacock himself has no quarrel with the Squid, the Honest and his Choirmen often assail the Aquarium in the hopes of stealing away the Long within to the "true path" of the Upstart. The recent alliance between the remnants of the Maker's cult and the Peacock have only made these attacks more frequent, as they yearn to steal the Anchors that dwell inside the Architeuthian's domain.

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