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825 bytes added, 07:48, 6 October 2018
Rhonda (Anaconda)
Arquebusier: Rhonda is meticulously clean, and never leaves behind a corpse.</br>
Prisoner: We haven't fed Rhonda in days. It's safer, that way.</br>
First invitation out (Location): 'You'll regret it,' she warns me. But she doesn't use her knife, which means that it's not a rejection. </br>
Compatible Desire (Evolution): It's during a vicious flare that she creeps to my side, dropping her knife on the floor to embrace me with both arms. 'Just let me have this moment,' she rasps, 'And I won't bother you again.' </br>
A Liasion: If anyone else touched her like this, they'd lose their hand. But when it comes to me, she couldn't be cuddlier. She buries her face into my neck to listen to my pulse, taking comfort in the proof that I still live. </br>
Victory Text: Even during the worst of her illness, she hates to leave my side. Sometimes I wonder if the only reason she clings on, day after day, is because she simply refuses to leave me without her support. </br>
=== Sigismund (SRN) ===
'''''Note: Impassable Doors can be bypassed with Edge, which makes Sigismund's prisoner description... not very accurate anymore.'''''

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