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The Evermolt

1,432 bytes added, 14:45, 1 October 2019
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The Evermolt is a bizarre abomination, forged from the shed skins of the Great Serpent, and reforged with the scraps of its abandoned projects. It has six heads, but only one is truly dominant - The rest have only an inkling of identity left, manifesting sporadically in the form of a split-second gaze of abysmal terror, or a startled hiss.
[Soon]The Evermolt is a serpent, Of whimsical swirly scale-patterns and varied - but always bright - colours. Its primary head, the middle one, loosely resembles a green vine snake - But his eyes are small and angular, his snout thicker, and he has double fangs - one pair is for spitting, and pokes forward a little. His most startling feature, however, is his hood - Which is is two massive fin-crests on the sides of his primary head, that he can spread out like a cobra's hood. His eyes are a draconic gold. Its other five heads are all devoured sniblings who didn't make it, and became a part of the Evermolt's Incomplete Whole. They are listed as follows:>A Gaboon Viper-like head, a discarded Name meant to be an assassin, who was too docile.>A Foxsnake-like head, meant as a messenger-Name, who was discarded due to lack of use.>A Green Tree Python-like head, meant to be a guard - Who was discarded due to being flawed, blind in one eye.>A Bush Viper-like head, meant to be a spy. It was left incomplete, much like the Evermolt himself, and was too weak to defend himself from being devoured.>
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