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The Vizier

Revision as of 20:12, 15 July 2018 by ThreeInquisitors (talk | contribs) (Added the Revolutionary as a Name. Added relationship to the Snake Tail, Old Tarnished, the Engine, and the Aged Bones.)

The Vizer (The Sous-Chef, The Ink-Thane) is the Sixth Hour of the Fansus, represented by the Lovers card. He was created by Will. It is a God-from-Flesh, or, as some tales have it, a God-from-Blood. He ascended early in the First History, rising from his position as chancellor to the King of Albion, to a Name of the Great Serpent, and then to Hourhood. His aspects are Winter and Secret Histories.

The Vizier
Origin Blood
Titles The Vizier
The Sous-Chef
The Ink-Thane
Names The Revolutionary
Aspects Winter Secret Histories
Date of arrival Unknown
Owner(s) Will, A Poor Lunatic



In the earliest days of the First History, the Kingdom of Albion was the first of the Great Empires to rise, and the first to fall. Its king was guided by his chancellor, who grew wise in the knowledge of the Invisible Arts after exhausting what knowledge he could glean of mortals and of the mortal world. In his pride he sought to gain control over History, recognising that unless it could be brought to heel, Albion would fall. And so the chancellor betrayed his king, offering his blood up to the Hours as a sign of his willingness to serve.

He rose to be a Name of the Great Serpent, and in that capacity he governed the Mansus in his liege's stead. When the Segmentation occurred, the Vizier ascended to the ranks of the Hours, and found that without his patron, he wielded little power. Seeking to rectify this, the Vizier made a deal with the Peacock - the Vizier would consent to the Peacock claiming his place in the Tarot, and in return the Peacock would be his backer.




The Vizier is Winter, for he brings silence where ever he goes. Conversation grows hushed, and then slowly silent. None dare speak where they may be overheard. He is also a power of the Secret Histories, for he weaves the threads of History to his benefit, and is counted as one of the Hours who is most knowledgeable of their uncounted threads.

He is an Hour of manipulation, scheming, plotting, and lying. He loves order and organisation, constantly micromanaging his Long and Names. He loves knowledge, both for its own sake and for the power it brings. Because of this, it is a spy and voyeur, always seeking to discover secrets that would help spread its influence.


The Vizier's servants are many, though only a few are significant. He surrounds himself with helpers, assistants, scribes, administrators, and miscellaneous minions. Some are mortal, some are Long, a few are Names. Despite their internal rivalries, their affairs and their squabbling, they operate like oiled clockwork. The Vizier does not tolerate inefficiency.


The Revolutionary

"Oh my master! Shall we build a new order from the ashes of the old? Shall we melt down their chains, and forge new ones for ourselves?"

Once a spy who betrayed their homeland and rose to lead the organisation they secretly fought against. They aided the revolution from within, and built a new order to replace that which they tore down. Winter to call them. Edge to match their struggle with your own. They are Winter, for they bring the end; and Forge, for an end is merely a new beginning. The Revolutionary sometimes appears as a man, sometimes as a woman, but always in singed business clothing appropriate to the time and place they have been summoned to.
