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Endless Fields

Revision as of 15:09, 23 July 2018 by Cyborg-Squid (talk | contribs) (Expeditions)

We must find the exact location. Lantern will light our path, that we may search thoroughly. Or we can follow the Moth within, and trust we will find the way.


  • A Lost Shrine
  • The Valley of Teeth


  • Lantern (Invokes the Spark)
  • Moth (Invokes the Elder Sister)


Lantern Invocation

We invoke the Spark

  • Lantern 10: We invoke the Star, who is Polaris. We need only follow the light we see in our skulls. Nothing can block us, nothing will cause us to lose our path. We will proceed.
  • Lantern 5: We invoke the Star, who creates progress. If we stay true to our course, we shall find our way through these fields. Probably.
  • Lantern 1: We invoke the Star, who inspires. The guile of Moth coats these fields. Perhaps a dose of creativity will help us through. Maybe.
  • Lantern Success: A light, up ahead! We've made it!
  • Lantern Failure: The light is gone. We are trapped.

Moth Invocation

We invoke the Elder Sister

  • Moth 10: We invoke the Wood-Witch, who crafts all paths. The Woods are darker and more dangerous than this, and yet her Court traverses them. Her power will keep our steps safe, and our goal within sight. We will proceed.
  • Moth 5: We invoke the Wood-Witch, who is shrewd. Her creativity has ensnared many things, and trapped them in endless paths. These fields are yet another aspect of that creativity. Her power will let us pass, probably.
  • Moth 1: We invoke the Wood-Witch, who dances in her Court. It is perilous to call upon her, for she takes what she desires and traps it forever. But these fields would do the same. We might make it through.
  • Moth Success: A light, up ahead! We've made it!
  • Moth Failure: We could not lose the path, for there never was one. The grass rustles around us, and we see a thousand eyes.