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The Nizvestier Within

Revision as of 11:15, 15 August 2019 by Zolgo3 (talk | contribs) (The Mansus: The Shattered Caverns)

The Nizvestier Within, also referred to as The Mirror’s Maw, The Well-Of-Whips and The Bleak Spiral, is an Hour from the Fourth Fansus’ House of the Wyrm, created by Beast. It is a God-From-Nowhere and the second God-From-Greif, born shortly after the Transfinite Question from the self doubt, blame and loathing of a mournful Old Wyrm, which had been left to mingle with the Sea-of-Regrets. Its primary aspect is Winter, with secondary aspects of Lantern and Grail. It seeks nothing, and wishes only to be left alone.

The Nizvestier Within
"Repent. Endure. Drown. These are your options."
Origin Nowhere and Grief
  • The Well-of-Whips
  • The Mirror’s Maw
  • The Bleak Spiral
  • The Iced Angler
  • The FNORD
  • Aspects Winter Lantern Grail
    Date of arrival FNORD
    Owner(s) Beast


    Its tarot is The Devil.






    It’s full form is that of an impossibly vast whirlpool. Wide enough to swallow a city whole, and deep enough to drink the oceans. Far below, past where the downward current straightens out, the water cuts off to a great black void, from which no being can enter and hope to return. The distant light of the last hour to plunge its depths can still get be seen. None can reach it.

    The young and innocent seeking the Mirror’s Maw can be forgiven for missing it the first time they reach its chamber. For mortals, the amount of the Maw they can see and access is highly dependent on both the poorness of their life choices and their self awareness; the depth of the whirlpool seeming to take form as they fall deeper and deeper into a downward spiral. Those who’ve achieved or passed longhood can see the Maw in its entirety, with layers inaccessible to them locked behind a screen of water, giving an appearance resembling a loop of reflected mirrors.

    Despite no formations existing beneath the sea of mists, numerous ledges of slippery, jagged ivory line the steeper parts of its maw, though they grow less and less structurally sound as one descends. Salt crystals and icicles grow beneath these rocks, scattering the light of the cave further down.

    Those who reach through the rushing water once they pass its lips find themselves hooked to razor sharp barbs, which inflict pain and disfigurement onto one’s dream form. As one descends, these hooks grow longer, and inflict greater and longer lasting mutations, eventually forever deforming your dream self to match the hideousness of your deeds. Desperate souls who’ve gone too deep will use these hooks to climb their way back out. Those who do so and are fully touched by the light, however, will find that these hooks can fully retract themselves. The same is true for the narrow 'stairs' seemingly built into the Well’s side.

    Objects and representations of desires and impulses flow up from its mouth, effortlessly moving against the raging current. They are not to be taken.



    Though not of Forge, the Nizvestier Within does bring change. Confidence is the that turns improvement away; the arrogance by which one remains ignorance to their own falts . In order to grow, it must be torn down.



    The Template is worshipped by some strange folks called The Fansus.


    1. Temptation: Phrase: I've begun to comprehend the Template's ways.
    2. Dedication: Phrase: I shall follow the Template's ways.
    3. Ascension: Phrase: Agh my eyes.
    4. Ascension: Phrase: Ugh my bones.
    5. Ascension: Phrase: Gah my legs.
    6. Ascension: Phrase: But it's gonna be worth it.
    7. Ending: I have proved myself, and now I teach new hours how to bake cookies.


    Long & Children

    Sirens (wip name)
    Summon a lonely and addicting creature of the Well.


    The FNORD


    The FNORD
    Summon a damning Name of the Nizvestier.
    The Iced Angler


    The Iced Angler
    Summon a ruinous Name of the Nizvestier.


    The Mansus: The Shattered Caverns

    The Well-Of-Whips occupies a spot somewhere in the flooded cave systems once known as the Glass Caverns; a vast, cold labyrinth of dripping crystals and icy mirrors. It is said that the reflections of the Caverns lay the sins of the reflected bare before them. As the Bleak Spiral is immobile, they are the only way for an uninvited dreamer to reach it.

    Prior to the collision, these labyrinthine caverns were closed off to the house, and thus inaccessible to almost all. They weren’t always sealed, but few remain who remember the burial.

    Following the collision, the cavern of the Mirror’s Maw breached. The maze can be entered through a cliffside hole where one Sea Of Regret meets the house. Its branching paths are uncountable and it’s icy halls disorient the senses. But if one looks hard enough, if one delves deep enough, they might find the Mirror’s Maw. This is highly inadvisable.

    The Histories

    Wherever whirlpools can be found.



    • A Well Tooth
    • A Honeyed Pail
    • A Black Eye


    • Bitterleaf Extract


    • A Tidal Force
      • Aspect:  15


    • The Zeroth Indictment (Indictments correspond to hour number. Everyone gets one but you can have more books than just that)
      • Description: It's an old book, okay? A dusty old tome? Made out of...flesh? What the.
      • Start Text: This is the tale of the skeleton warriors.
      • End Text: The skeleton warriors theme song refuses to leave your mind.
      • Gives: Stuff goes here. Usually lore. Sometimes languages. Sometimes things get really weird. Feel free to get creative.


    • Making of the Hours
      • Description: Ancient ritual conceived by the spooky boys of Uh-Shekel.
      • Requires: Rites are the more unique bits of Cultist Simulator. They may require tools, objects, lores, living beings, and so on. Some of the items used for the rite may be destroyed, and proper aspects are needed. Do specify all the details!
      • Gives: Glorious boons. From summoning to spawning items to other beneficial effects.


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