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Revision as of 17:20, 11 October 2019 by Anaconda With Sword (talk | contribs) (Living Hours)
Welcome to the Fansus, Aspirant.


The Fansus is the fan-made version of the Mansus from Cultist Simulator, with alternative Hours and Histories. Join us on the Cultist Simulator Discord if you wish to participate.

This is a fan project that is not officially endorsed by Weather Factory in any way.

There are currently five active versions of the Fansus, due to space constraints.

Here's the most recent Hour template, which lacks any Fansus-Specific elements.


The First Fansus

The First Fansus is the House of the Serpent, or alternatively the Sea Dragon's Palace. The Hours strive against each other in the aftermath of the loss of the Sixth History, and the rise of the Gods-from-Steel. Their capital city is The First City

The Sea-Dragon's Palace has it's own lores, and it's own expeditions.

The House of the Serpent is a shadow of it's former self, with the venerable former undisputed ruler of the House, the Great Serpent, having disappeared into Nowhere. Now, many successors strive for power, with alliances being formed and broken all across the Histories. The newly formed Gods-from-Steel drive ever-forward towards their dream of assimilating all within the House, and are opposed by Hours such as the Architeuthian, the Peacock, and The-Apple-in-the-Eye, to name a few, though each have their own secret agendas. The 'children' of the Great Serpent, the Anaconda and the Tail, strive against each other in an Ourobourine conflict, drawing other Hours into a war between 'Doors' and 'Keys', resulting in the War of the Doors and the almost destruction of the Fourth History.

The Hours

Living Hours

The current, living Hours of the Fansus are listed below, along with their tarot numbers:

0. The Meatgrinder      
I. The Aged Bones      
II. The Caladrius    
III. The Bright-Delver      
IV. The Architeuthian      
V. The Engine of Cycles      
VI. The Vizier / The Peacock’s Lies      
VII. The Harvester      
VIII. The Watcher in the Window      
IX. The Apple-of-the-Eye    
X. The Rider    
XI. The Elder Sister  
XII. The Silver Owl      
XIII. Old Tarnished    
XIV. The Cuckoo    
XV. The Fanged Bramble  
XVI. The Snow-Stained      
XVII. The Spark    
XVIII. The Ferryman    
XIX. The Diagram    
XX. The Uninvited Guest  
XXI. The Anaconda      
XXII. The Great Serpent       (dead, but still reserved)
XXIII. The Torn Secret      
XXIV. The Void-In-Skins    
XXV. The Peacock    
XXVI. Snake Tail with Appendages    
XXVII. The Insidious    
XXVIII. The Mendicant Without    
XXIX. The Stomping Sands    
XXX. The Unmirror    

Faded Hours

The following Hours are not strictly alive anymore, but neither are they entirely dead, and echoes of their presence may yet be felt in some of the Histories.

[    ]  
The Archivist    
The Synapse      

Dead Hours

The following Hours are dead:

The Anvil  
The Maker    
The Deceiver    
The Huntsman    
The Butterfly Hatching    

The Histories

The First-and-a-Half Fansus

The First-and-a-Half Fansus is the House of the Serpent, or alternatively the Sea Dragon's Palace. It is the First Fansus, anew, resplendent. With its worldshaping power, the order that-is strives against enemies and opportunists from all sides as the untiring, endless metal tide of the Gods-from-Steel march from below, opportunists strike from within, new powers gather from above, and the insiduous, creeping powers of Nowhere loom. Their capital city is The First City

The Sea-Dragon's Palace has it's own lores, and it's own expeditions.

The House of the Serpent is a shadow of it's former self, with the venerable former undisputed ruler of the House, the Great Serpent, having disappeared into Nowhere. Now, many successors strive for power, with alliances being formed and broken all across the Histories. The newly formed Gods-from-Steel drive ever-forward towards their dream of assimilating all within the House, and are opposed by Hours such as the Architeuthian, the Peacock, and The-Apple-in-the-Eye, to name a few, though each have their own secret agendas. The 'children' of the Great Serpent, the Anaconda and the Tail, strive against each other in an Ourobourine conflict, drawing other Hours into a war between 'Doors' and 'Keys', resulting in the War of the Doors and the almost destruction of the Fourth History.

The Hours

Living Hours

The current, living Hours of the Fansus are listed below, along with their tarot numbers:

0. The Serpent Submitting [???]
I. The Rattlesnake    
III. The Bright-Delver      
IV. The Architeuthian      
VI. The Vizier / The Peacock’s Lies      
VII. Adonibaal
XI. The Elder Sister  
XIII. The Swansong
XIV. The Cuckoo    
XVI. The Revolutionary
XVII. King Nothing
XVIII. The Ferryman    
XXI. The Anaconda      
XXIV. The Void-In-Steel      
XXV. The Peacock    
XXVI. The Wrong-Serpent    
XXVII. The Insidious    
XXVIII. The Doomsday Machine      
XXIX. The Stomping Sands    

Faded Hours

The following Hours are not strictly alive anymore, but neither are they entirely dead, and echoes of their presence may yet be felt in some of the Histories.

There had better be nothing here :knife:

Dead Hours

The following Hours are dead:

The Deceiver    
The Butterfly Hatching    
The Great Serpent      


The Gods from Steel are deities, yet they spurn the Tarot, they spurn the company of Hours and recognition as so, for they proclaim themselves to be greater than those who came before and they proclaim it an insult to characterize them alongside those who came before.

Our Salvation Ablaze    

The Histories

The Second Fansus

The Second Fansus is the House of Earth and Sky, where the Bird descends to touch the earth, and the Worm rises to meet the heavens. (Also Bears have been known to hang about sometimes.)

The Hours

Living Hours

The current, living Hours of the Fansus are listed below, along with their tarot numbers:

0. The Storm-Tossed      
I. The Spirarch      
II. The Perennial      
III. The Faceless King    
IV. Our Excellent Host    
V. The Masquerade    
VI. The Bright Tapestry    
VII. The Die-Cutter    
VIII. The Mother Bear    
IX. The Way-Light      
X. The Succulent Glow      
XI. The Knife's Edge    
XII. The Princess Prominent      
XIII. The Ultimate Emperor    
XIV. The Ferric Brand    
XV. The Partisan      
XVI. The Monument      
XVII. The Cub      
XVIII. The Ink      
XIX. Flint-and-Steel      
XX. Our Lady Betrayed      
XXI. The Fool Unrepentant    
XXII. The Worm Funktastic      
XXIII. The Half-Turned      
XXIV. The Rotted Ox  
XXV. The Morning Star  
XXVI. Our Lady's Resolve    
XXVII. The More-Opened  
XXVIII. The Unending Worm      
XXIX. The Thorned Courier    
XXX. The Trickster Princes    

Faded Hours

The following Hours are not strictly alive anymore, but neither are they entirely dead, and echoes of their presence may yet be felt in some of the Histories.

The Red Lady      
The Hunter    
The Warrior Maid    
The Shambling Dawn      
The Seraph    
The Clavier    
The Maw Consuming      

Abandoned Hours

All have given up on these Hours, leaving only the faintest hint of an echo of their former existence.

Dead Hours

The following Hours are dead:

The Stag      
The Goldsmith      
The World's Thane    
The Lamb    

The Histories

  • The First History, a.k.a. the History of the Unkindled Forge: where the glory of old and its ways are revered above all else.
  • The Second History, a.k.a. the History of the Tarnished Lantern: where few will ever know the light of the Glory.
  • The Third History, a.k.a. the History of the Mottled Heart: where life is intense and fleeting.
  • The Fourth History, a.k.a. the History of the Wailing Winter: where even endings do not end.
  • The Fifth History, a.k.a. the History of the Unrealized Moth: where humanity ekes out an existence among the ruins of the past.
  • The Sixth History, a.k.a. the History of the Ashen Edge: where all live under the shadow of abeyant war.
  • The Seventh History, a.k.a. the History of the Unanswered Knock: where the way is closed and revenge is plotted.
  • The Eighth History, a.k.a. the History of the Inundant Grail: where excess is the norm and the future is dim.

The Third Fansus

The Third Fansus is the Desmoterion, the Place of Chains. It is also known as the Gaol, House of the Remanded and the Cloister to the Uncorrected. In order to disculpate themselves from a cosmical, atrocious bloodshed, the Hours remain there, secluded amongst themselves, using human agents as envoys, spies and advocates.

The Hours

Living Hours

The current, living Hours of the Fansus are listed below, along with their tarot numbers:

0. None
I. None
II. None
III. None
IV. None
V. None
VI. None
VII. None
VIII. None
IX. None
X. None
XI. None
XII. None
XIII. None
XIV. None
XV. None
XVI. None
XVII. None
XIX. None
XX. None
XXI. None
XXII. None
XXIV. None
XXV. None
XXVI. None
XXIX. None
XXX. None

Faded Hours

The following Hours are not strictly alive anymore, but neither are they entirely dead, and echoes of their presence may yet be felt in some of the Histories.

Dead Hours

The following Hours are dead:

Hour Pending
The Tenfold  
The Hematite  
The Mangled  
The Cycle  
The Bait  
The Unmade  
The Avulsed  

The Histories

In the House of Ways, there was once only one History, ruled by the originating from-stone Hours. Over the course of the Wassail, not only were these from-stones murdered, but the history itself was fractured and fragmented, conveniently erasing any evidence.

The Fourth Fansus

The Fourth Fansus is the House of the Stars, House of the Twins, or the Twin-Mansus, where the Houses of the Wyrm and the House of the King collided, their Glories touched and got trapped in an endless dance, and many Histories and Hours were destroyed, split, merged, or worse.

The Hours

Living Hours

The current, living Hours of the Fansus are listed below. They have their Tarot numbers, but the meaning of the Tarot doesn't always strictly correspond to its Hour. There are two sets, one for each House pre-Collision, with the topmost spots taken by the "Share", Collision Hours, while the lowest spots are taken by gods-from-Nowhere.

The Post-Collision Hours
0. The Jahwian       0.
I. The Chimaera       The Legion Lamentful     I.
II. The Glorious Child     The Fireside     II.
III. The Faustian Alchemist     The Fool's Gold       III.
IV. The Demarq-s       The Stone Meridian       IV.
V. TINT       shade       V.
The House of the Wyrm The House of the King
VI. The Old Wyrm     The Listless King     VI.
VII. Mother Songbird     The Crimson Temptress       VII.
VIII. The Harrower     Little Lady Liver-Licker   VIII.
IX. Her Scarred Serenity       The Clepsydrae       IX.
X. The Hearthkeeper       The Navigator       X.
XI. The Demiurge       The Perditarch     XI.
XII. --Peacock Spider?-- --- The Confectionist       XII.
XIII. The Zabbaleen       The Toymaker       XIII.
XIV. The Modiste-and-Mannequin       The Mannequin-and-Modiste       XIV.
XV. The Scoriantheme   Its Incarnadine Virulence XV.
XVI. The Wispy Tress   The Unfettered     XVI.
XVII. The King of Keys       The Shattered Star       XVII.
XVIII. The Fulminate     The Welkin       XVIII.
XIX. A Stock-Woven Watcher       The Abstraction       XIX.
XX. The Nizvestier Within         The Deep       XX.
XXI. The Transfinite Question     The Tatterdemalion     XXI.
The Nowhere Hours
XXII. The Briarsalt   The Ash   XXII.
XXIII. Humming From Elsehere   The Chainbinder   XXIII.
XXIV. They   XXIV.

Faded Hours

The following Hours are not strictly alive anymore, but neither are they entirely dead, and echoes of their presence may yet be felt in some of the Histories.

? The Atavism ---

Dead Hours

The following Hours are dead:

The Storm    
The Maelstrom      
The Fair Maiden      
The Mire-Maiden      
The Theophage    
The Star-in-the-Night
The Modiste-with-Spindle    
The Mannequin Enswathed
The Centriole    

The following Hours Don't Exist. You should Not be looking Here.

-I. The End-Without-End

The Histories

There were six, but there were twelve, but there were four, and then there were two. Before the Collision of the two original Mansii, there remained two Histories, one for each existing Mansus; however, when the Mansi collided, the Histories did, too. What remains now is for humans as hard to distinguish as for Hours.

The Fifth Fansus

The Fifth Fansus currently consists of wild brainstorming and half-formed ideas.

The Hours

Living Hours

The current, living Hours of the Fansus are listed below.

Ø The Blank Rune:
(formerly) The Firekeeper    
(currently) --- ---
The Merchant-Who-Smiles      
ᚢ/ᚳ The Crimson Fount      
The Fangs-Divided    
The Storyteller    
The Boatman ---
--- --- (formerly) The Firekeeper    
--- ---
The Symphony Unending    
ᚻ/ᚺ FrostBite    
The Anathema Project      
The King-in-Light      
The Fang of Ages    
--- ---
The Wall Hour ---
ᛋ/ᛊ The Bolt-That-Felled-The-Tower    
--- ---
--- ---
The Porter ---
First Among Flesh      
--- ---
--- ---
The Summit Untarnished    
" ". The Hush  
Ы. --- ---

Faded Hours

The following Hours are not strictly alive anymore, but neither are they entirely dead, and echoes of their presence may yet be felt in some of the Histories.

Dead Hours

The following Hours are dead:

The Histories (?)