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The Fansus β

Welcome to the Fansus, Aspirant.

The Fansus is the fan-made version of the Mansus from Cultist Simulator, with alternative Hours and Histories. Join us on the Cultist Simulator Discord if you wish to participate.

This is a fan project that is not officially endorsed by Weather Factory in any way.

The Hours

The Histories

  • The First History: once a promising world, now plunged in a dark age with no end in sight. Original home of the Aged Bones.
  • The Second History: a world mostly untouched by the Hours and their schemes, though this has begun to change.
  • The Third History: the history of Man, which gave rise to Cortez, now known as Old Tarnished.
  • The Fourth History: once untouched by the Hours through a truce, now fervently and openly against any occult intervention following the creation of the Joined.
  • The Fifth History: a Key-infested History and the reason why other Hours point to the need for the Gilded Gate.
  • The Sixth History: the devoured History, of which little remains.