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Welcome to the Fansus, Aspirant.


The Fansus is the fan-made version of the Mansus from Cultist Simulator, with alternative Hours and Histories. Join us on the Cultist Simulator Discord if you wish to participate.

This is a fan project that is not officially endorsed by Weather Factory in any way.

There are currently two active versions of the Fansus, due to space constraints.

The First Fansus

The First Fansus is the House of the Serpent, or alternatively the Sea Dragon's Palace. The Hours strive against each other in the aftermath of the loss of the Sixth History, and the rise of the Gods-from-Steel. Their capital city is The First City

The Sea-Dragon's Palace has it's own lores, and it's own expeditions.

The House of the Serpent is a shadow of it's former self, with the venerable former undisputed ruler of the House, the Great Serpent, having disappeared into Nowhere. Now, many successors strive for power, with alliances being formed and broken all across the Histories. The newly formed Gods-from-Steel drive ever-forward towards their dream of assimilating all within the House, and are opposed by Hours such as the Architeuthian, the Peacock, and The-Apple-in-the-Eye, to name a few, though each have their own secret agendas. The 'children' of the Great Serpent, the Anaconda and the Tail, strive against each other in an Ourobourine conflict, drawing other Hours into a war between 'Doors' and 'Keys', resulting in the War of the Doors and the almost destruction of the Fourth History.

The Hours

Living Hours

The current, living Hours of the Fansus are listed below, along with their tarot numbers:

0. None
I. The Aged Bones Winter Secret Histories Forge
II. The Caladrius Heart Lantern
III. The Bright-Delver Knock Secret Histories Heart
IV. The Architeuthian Lantern Heart Forge
V. The Engine of Cycles Forge Winter Heart
VI. The Vizier / The Peacock’s Lies Winter Secret Histories
VII. The Harvester Edge Forge Knock
VIII. The Watcher in the Window Moth Winter Lantern
IX. The Apple-of-the-Eye Lantern Moth
X. The Archivist Heart Secret Histories
XI. The Elder Sister Moth
XII. The Silver Owl Heart Forge Knock
XIII. Old Tarnished Moth Edge
XIV. The Cuckoo Grail Winter
XV. The Fanged Bramble Grail
XVI. The Snow-Stained Forge Heart Edge
XVII. The Spark Forge Lantern
XVIII. The Ferryman Winter Knock
XIX. The Diagram Grail Forge
XX. The Anaconda Knock Winter Moth
XXI. The Great Serpent Lantern Knock Secret Histories (dead, but still reserved)
XXII. None
XXIII. The Synapse Forge Knock Moth
XXIV. The Void-In-Skins Edge Grail
XXV. The Peacock Heart Grail
XXVI. Snake Tail with Appendages Knock Lantern
XXVII. The Insidious Knock Winter
XXVIII. The Mendicant Without Grail Moth
XXIX. None
XXX. The Unmirror Moth Winter

Faded Hours

The following Hours are not strictly alive anymore, but neither are they entirely dead, and echoes of their presence may yet be felt in some of the Histories.

[    ] Winter
SWOUP Heart Edge Grail

Dead Hours

The following Hours are dead:

The Anvil Forge
The Maker Moth Forge
The Deceiver Moth Knock
The Huntsman Edge Grail

The Histories

The Second Fansus

The Second Fansus is the House of Earth and Sky, where the Bird descends to touch the earth, and the Worm rises to meet the heavens. (Also Bears have been known to hang about sometimes.)

The Hours

Living Hours

The current, living Hours of the Fansus are listed below, along with their tarot numbers:

0. The Storm-Tossed Moth Edge
I. The Spirarch Forge Lantern Knock
II. The Perennial Lantern Heart Winter
III. The Red Lady Grail Winter Moth
IV. The Hunter / The Worm’s Foundations Edge Winter
V. The Masquerade Lantern Secret Histories
VI. The Bright Tapestry Moth Secret Histories
VII. The Die-Cutter Edge Moth
VIII. The Mother Bear Edge Heart
IX. The Maw Consuming Heart Edge Grail
X. The Succulent Glow Grail Lantern Moth
XI. The Knife's Edge Secret Histories Edge
XII. None
XIII. The Warrior Maid Edge Winter
XIV. The Ferric Brand Forge Grail
XV. None
XVI. The Monument Secret Histories Heart Winter
XVII. The Cub Heart Edge Forge
XVIII. The Seraph Moth Heart
XIX. Flint-and-Steel Forge Moth Lantern
XX. Our Lady Betrayed Edge Heart Secret Histories
XXI. None
XXII. The Worm Funktastic Moth Winter Heart
XXIV. The Rotted Ox Winter
XXV. None
XXVI. Our Lady's Resolve Forge Heart
XXVII. The More-Opened Knock
XXVIII. The Unending Worm Moth Knock Forge
XXIX. The Clavier Moth Lantern
XXX. None

Faded Hours

The following Hours are not strictly alive anymore, but neither are they entirely dead, and echoes of their presence may yet be felt in some of the Histories.

The Spinner of Stars Lantern Forge

Abandoned Hours

All have given up on these Hours, leaving only the faintest hint of an echo of their former existence.

The Shambling Dawn Heart Lantern Secret Histories

Dead Hours

The following Hours are dead:

The Stag Grail Heart Winter
The Goldsmith Forge Lantern Grail
The World's Thane Moth Edge

The Histories