The Demiurge

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The Demiurge
Origin Light
Titles The Lion-Faced, The Redsmith, The Lighthouse, The Candlestick, The Great Bronze Serpent, The Higmmost of Artists
Names The Spokesman
Aspects Forge Grail Moth
Date of arrival After Her Scarred Serenity
Owner(s) A Blessed Feline

The Demiurge is the youngest child of The Old Wyrm, and the fickle patron of artists, industrialists, and inventors. He sees the Mansus as fundamentally broken and falling apart, and unable to be fixed, which is why he's decided to construct a new Mansus in the middle of Nowhere, using a stolen shard of the Glory. This so-called New Mansus takes the form of a large bronze dyson sphere filled with 6 smaller spheres, with the stolen Glory-shard at is center. He claims that this is his magnum opus, and the only way for both humanity and the Hours to survive the Collision. Not much is known of what actually goes on in the New Mansus, but there are rumors of horrid work conditions, rampant classcism, and indentured servitude. Some also whisper of a rebellion brewing in the outer spheres of the New Mansus, led by a disgraced Name of the Demiurge. Official New Mansus propaganda staunchly denies this, portraying it as a worker's paradise. What is known, however, is that things sometimes come out of the New Mansus. These things are often as bizarre as they are beautiful, and as impractical as they are bizarre. The Demiurge prides himself as a great philanthropist and artist, and the devices it sends are most often intended as either automatons to aid in the rebuilding of the Mansus, humanitarian aid for its denizens, or simply grandiose works of art, though the lines between the three are usually thin. A vast majority of these devices either end up not preforming their intended function or preforming it in a ridiculously overcomplicated way, preforming it in great excess to the point that the machine or its products become dangerous, or simply malfunctioning in odd and often dangerous ways. These malfunctions often disproportionately harm the Hearthkeeper and the Old Wyrm. There are rumors of these devices being the remnants of Long who either remade themselves into machines to sate the Demiurge's whims, or were made into such things as a punishment. All this has led some to conclude that the Demiurge is mad, though they can't agree on whether this is the doings of the Glory-shard, Nowhere, or something else entirely


The Demiurge was never much, before the Collision. He kept to himself, secretly suspecting that his father shuns him for burning his mother. He attempted to establish himself as a patron of the arts, a muse, and an artist himself. His art, however, always felt soulless, pretty to look at but lacking in deeper meaning or inspiration. This was also the case with the few artists he inspired. During the Collision, he was hit with a blaze of Glory that blinded him in one eye, but he was also hit by a burst of true inspiration for what would later become the New Mansus.

Entry requires one to create a Bronze Gate, a massive construct requiring several rare parts, many of which can only be bought from him. These massive constructs were created en masse shortly after the Collision due to several people becoming aware of his plan as he bled Forge influence from his wound. These gates are all one-use, and their corpses tend to litter Forge-influenced areas There's also the Lion-Faced Gate in the Mansus, though that one is reserved for him and the aid he sends to the rebuilding of the Mansus.

When this form sheds its scales it is pay day for the workers of the New Mansus, as these scales are stamped and used as coins. The conversion rate between them and Spintria changes frequently and irrationally, and conversion between them requires tons of bureaucracy, cementing the kafkaesque nature of trying to leave the New Mansus. The New Mansus is also one of the only places where they're legal tender.



Physically, the Demiurge mostly appears to his employees and the other Hours as a titanic serpent with copper scales, and the head of a lion with a mane of tentacles. At the end of many tentacle is an implement such as a brush, a blowtorch, or a wrench, which the Demiurge uses for its are due to lacking arms. Its face is humanoid, appearing both leonine and human, with half of it coated in a brilliant bronze mask to cover the empty eye socket.

The Demiurge can also appear as a black-haired man in an orange suit, wearing the same mask, which is the form in which he usually appears to mortals, and as a tall and impossibly beautiful metal lighthouse, distant and shrouded in mist, which is the form in which he usually appears in dreams.





  1. Temptation: X:
  2. Dedication: X:
  3. Ascension: X:
  4. Ascension: X:
  5. Ascension: X:
  6. Ascension: X:



The Mansus

The New Mansus

The Histories




Bronze Scale: {Aspect|Forge} 8



