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Hours with Commentary

The Faustian Alchemist

My first thought of my first Hour, was one with a tragic origin of sacrifice and love, of sorts, and the name of this Hour was actually inspired by a metal song named accordingly. As I figured this wasn't enough, I eventually made the origin not as personally tragic (but still involving a lot of dying), and adapted it to the post-apocalyptic theme of the Fourth Fansus, namely by making it a so to say Marxist opponent of The Demiurge, who I didn't even consider at first, among with the other 'Revolutionary Hours'. I also decided to give him kind of a more emotional side, which I still have kind of split feelings on, but is in the end not as relevant. As to the time in the Furnace: this part wasn't really fleshed out that much, though eventually it was quite acceptable nonetheless.

Generally, he's not the Hour I'd consider my best work, but I do like the Forge-sentiment in it, and still have more connection to it, too, namely because it is, as said, my first Hour