
From The Fansus
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Hours with Commentary

Fansus 2

The Morning Star

The Lamb

Fansus 4

The Faustian Alchemist

My first thought of my first Hour, was one with a tragic origin of sacrifice and love, of sorts, and the name of this Hour was actually inspired by a metal song named accordingly. As I figured this wasn't enough, I eventually made the origin not as personally tragic (but still involving a lot of dying), and adapted it to the post-apocalyptic theme of the Fourth Fansus, namely by making it a so to say Marxist opponent of The Demiurge, who I didn't even consider at first, among with the other 'Revolutionary Hours'. I also decided to give him kind of a more emotional side, which I still have kind of split feelings on, but is in the end not as relevant. As to the time in the Furnace: this part wasn't really fleshed out that much, though eventually it was quite acceptable nonetheless.

Generally, he's not the Hour I'd consider my best work, but I do like the Forge-sentiment in it, and still have more connection to it, too, namely because it is, as said, my first Hour

The Jahwian

The idea for that one was essentially an Hour for the God seen in abrahamist religions, or monotheist religions in general; the Hour should be glorious, but should still incorporate mercy, despite the claim that mercy may only be found in shadow. While there is not too much interesting to write about this Hour (which may change), I think I got the concept set in adequately.

The Perditarch

The Wispy Tress