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Midnight's Plaza

Revision as of 12:37, 26 October 2018 by Wedidthetimewarpagain (talk | contribs) (Events)

Midnight's Plaza is a Fansus location accessible from exploring with Health or a Follower.


The paths twist like serpents - and when the sun sets, they may be different from the day. If I walk this with nothing more than a candle, I might emerge unchanged. Or, I could seek to lose myself within their cul-de-sacs...


  • The hedges seem almost insubstantial in the moonlight, leaves clear as glass, branches no more than air, baring the gaps beneath. I feel as though if I were to step too close, I would fall through as if there was no barrier to stop me.
    • I return home with my hands and knees caked in dirt, leaves and twigs sticking from my hair at odd angles. If anyone were to see the scratches on my skin, or my wild grin, they would surely consider me a lunatic.
    • Provides Subtle Fracture
  • The darkness wraps around me like an old blanket from childhood, comforting and impossibly vast. Each star glimmers like diamonds in the velvet depths of the sky. This is the night I grow nostalgic for, when all terrors are forgotten.
    • In the light of the candle, humanity seems to have faded from existence. Along the winding paths, the only other life I meet is a tiny lizard skittering into the hedgerows. I am alone, and I am free.
    • Provides Contentment
  • In the dark of the new moon, the hedges and pathways turn to subterranean tunnels winding through a vast cavern. The cloudless sky turns the innumerable stars into the cold light of phosphorescent fungi, glittering far above.
    • Did I walk along the pathways, through them, or beyond them? The night air grows stale and humid in my lungs, almost before I breathe it in. The grass dampens with dew, or perhaps, with thousands of watchful eyes...
    • Provides Glimmering
  • In the darkness, the paths seem to twist. Before I know it, I have lost my way. Something is following me. I'm certain it has not followed me home. I'm certain it has not followed me home. I'm alone now, I tell myself.
    • Provides Dread, maybe eats the Midnight's Plaza card?
  • In the darkness, the paths seem to twist. Before I know it, I have lost my way. They twist and twist and twist and twist. I make it home, somehow, thankful for the morning light. Perhaps too thankful...
    • Provides Fascination, maybe eats the Midnight's Plaza card?
  • I walked along the pathways, then I walked through them, then beyond them. I am braced by the brisk night air, and I will carry it with me...
    • Provides Vitality