The Way-Light

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The Way-Light
"We call upon The Way-Light, who guides the lost..."
Origin From-Mist
Titles The Guiding Hour, That-Which-Lurks-Beneath, The Rain-Walker.
Names Pulmo
Aspects Moth Knock SH
Date of arrival Remarkably old, sporadically active.
Owner(s) Иephilim

The Way-Light, also known as The Guiding Hour, That-Which-Lurks-Beneath and The Rain-Walker, is a Moth-Knock-SH Hour created by Nephilim. He is an urban trickster god associated with neon lights, underground clubs, and rain-soaked misty streets. He is known as a mysterious guide to the mortals who seek him, and his intentions never seem to be entirely clear.


Moth - for His trickster nature.

Knock - for the doors He opens for you.

Secret Histories - for all he has seen and known.



The Way-Light is a wisp. A bright cyan, electric-looking floating wisp. However, he is also capable of masquerading as a human - with the universal traits of cyan eyes, snow-white hair, and pale skin. His "natural" form is a writhing mass of electric cyan tentacles and hundreds of tiny wisps merging and dividing from each-other and pulsing abstract concepts as a form of language, but that is hidden for obvious reasons as he wants to appeal to the mortals he loves so much.






  1. Temptation: Wanderlust:
  2. Dedication: Wanderlust:
  3. Ascension: Phrase:
  4. Ascension: Phrase:
  5. Ascension: Phrase:
  6. Ascension: Phrase:
  7. Ending:



"Hold my hand, please, and don't let go..."

Pulmo, Pathkeeper

'Yes, yes. Did you have any questions, orders, targets? Please be quick, Master is impatient. You don't want him to be angry. You don't want me to be angry.'
Devourer 12
Edge 12
Knock 12
Summon a lethal Guard-Name of That-Which-Lurks-Beneath
A grand amount of Edge should promise her a challenge, and a little Moth to show her master respect. This should draw the Pathkeeper's attention.
The Pathkeeper is a rosy-skinned woman with salmon hair and a piercing magenta gaze. Don't let her fool you, she's nowhere near as human as she looks.
Knock 5
Edge 10
Moth 2

Notable Servants

Almia, The Twice-Rebel

The first - and only - Secretarian to have not only left the Scriptorium, but also entered the service of another Hour. She desired to be more than a pawn, and more than a citizen. The Guiding Hour led her to what she desired. And then, she wanted even more.

She is a sassy sheep-woman of remarkable loyalty, who is being taught how to be more independent by the Way-Light. Her Secretarian compulsions are mostly gone, now, but there's always something that remains...

Visually, she appears no different from an average sheep-secretarian, pale-skinned with white and black wool. She dresses like most Way-Long do, and has glowing yellow eyes as a visible mark of her loyalty to the Rain-Walker. She always carries a book with her notes. She signs her letters as "W. L. Almia".

The Duke of Ways

An immortal cat. An otherwise ordinary male silver-coated Egyptian Mau, with turquoise eyes.

He was adopted by the Way-Light, who found him as a wounded stray left in a box,and his title was granted to him by the Princess Prominent, along with his characteristic tiny platinum crown. He wears a tiny navy-blue collar with a platinum tag which reads "I'm not lost - I can find my way!"

He is often found following his master's trails, or swatting at the fireflies of Piazza Incognito's marble obelisk.

Aside from the slight glow in his eyes, and his unusual adaptation to be able to keep sane and healthy under grand amounts of eldritch influence (Or the direct presence of an undisguised Hour), he is a completely mundane pet.


The Mansus

The City Of Memories

A strange, anomalous underground city in the Mansus dug into the stone, overlooking the Sea of Mists. It appears as an eclectic mix of various different cities across the Histories, particularly places the Way-Light is fond of. It is dimly lit by wisps and neon lights. Despite being indoors, it is always raining.

Rainwalker Gallery

A permanent exhibition of strange, unique paintings depicting life on the Wake, with a touch of Hourly influence. All if them seem to be in the style of different famous painters, who all deny having created these pieces. (Of course, they were sworn to secrecy.)

It sits behind an unmarked door, never announcing its presence. But it is a jewel to discover.

Piazza Incognito

A round plaza, built into the edge of a cliff, accessible through the City. It has many little cafés and commodities on its sides, and a massive black marble obelisk in the middle lit by ever-present fireflies. You can sit by the railing and see the Sea of Mists from there. The Rain-Walker occasionally holds parties in this place.

The Histories





