The Mare-Night

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The Mare-Night
"We call upon the Mare, who dominates / who exsanguinates / who lurks the Wood"
Origin From-Blood
Titles Crownslayer, Arrowsong, Hunter's Moon
  • Mabel, The Fox Lantern Knock
  • Alastor, The Blight-Father Knock Winter
  • Valerius, Scourge Promised Edge Moth
  • Vladimir, The Flagellant Grail Moth
  • Justine, Saturnian Edge Winter
Aspects Edge Moth Winter
Date of arrival {{{arrival}}}
Owner(s) Иephilim

The Mare-Night is an Edge - Moth - Winter Hour created by Nephilim. The Mare presides over acts of slaughter and violence by the hand of Man and Beast- timeless act of murder. An artificial form of ending. She is considered a patron of assassins, hunters and mercenaries. She is known to be kind yet merciless.



The Mare has taken on many different appearances, with few universal characteristics among them. Mostly horse-like. Her appearance inside the Mansus, however, is -mostly- consistent, only changing in small aspects depending on her mood.


  • She is, usually an eight-legged(Sometimes six, rarely four.) centaur, of heavy, noble drafter build.
  • Her tail is a long, swirly unicorn tail with fur all over the underside.
  • Her human half is skinny and fragile-looking, and has four arms, and two of them hold her bow, which is adorned by elvish designs and Quetzal feathers.
  • Her skin is dark brown as fertile mud, with freckles and spots in silver, bronze and moss. Her claws are long, thin and straight, sharp like Alastor's needles.
  • Despite looking mostly feminine, she either manifests as both (physical) sexes at once, or none.
  • Her hoof-steps never make a noise (unless she wants them to), even with her imposing weight.
  • Her coat is spotted and dappled as her skin, and her fur grey as steel. Said fur is short and smooth, and doesn't stick out much around her hooves.
  • The Mare's hair is colourful as half-tarnished copper. Messy, somewhat wavy, and grows all the way from her scalp to her upper back, like a mane. It is usually adorned with a variety of flowers.
  • Her entire body has an uniform colour scheme only in shades of brown, grey, muted blues and equally muted greens.
  • She has long, elfin ears which droop to the sides, usually pierced with bone jewelry. Don't ask whose bones are those, though. Too many people to mention.
  • Her antlers, resembling those of a moose, are permanently tangled in vines and ropes.
  • Her third eye, usually covered by the half-transparent amethyst centerpiece of her mask, is known to be topaz-yellow.
  • A few say they have seen her true eyes, and claim her irises are the colour of oak-wood. But there's no way to verify, as anybody who removes her mask in a dream ends their journey then and there.
  • Only a bit of her face can be seen, when she tips her mask upwards to reveal her beastly, sharp teeth. Her mouth extends all the way to her ears, and she has been known to unhinge her jaw to devour her prey.
  • She is also occasionally depicted as having a halo made of daggers and knives and blood-stained, unopened letters. These are actually her Longs and Names' personal weapons, sacrificed to her upon their ascension.


Nobody has ever truly seen her face behind the mask. Those who claim to have invariably lost their sanity, becoming hideous beasts driven by bloodlust. Her mask is covered in gems- Moonstones, moss agates and catseye. Engraved with markings of flowers and moths. She doesn't like people touching it.

Other Appearances

Outside the Mansus- in mythological depictions and the early dreams of her future worshippers, her appearance is extremely varying- And usually lacking in a lot of aspects. She tends to keep her centaurine or equine shape, and her physical gender-ambiguity, but everything else varies. She has been everything from a humanoid hunter to a literal war-mount of the Gods in old myths.


The Mare is, as previously mentioned, an incarnation of murder born from the crimes of Man. Despite her (usually) approachable personality, she is still an extremely violent Hour of delightful sacrifice.

She is the Hour of Murder, Hunting and Unexpected Endings


The Mare's worshippers are a particularly secretive bunch. Understandable, since she demands plenty of love and sacrifice in ways that only few can convey. She calls for blood quite often.

Perception of her varies,and is often decided by cult rank. The new cultists aren't told much, and usually see her as an one-dimensional, bloodthirsty deity, but that is not the case- Most higher-ups will argue that, anyway, as they have likely seen her friendlier side since they have proven themselves. They prefer to see her as a kind and loving (yet strict and occasionally irrational), guardian.

She is also known for her many ascension trials- She personally judges her every follower, testing them individually on their strengths and weaknesses, weeding out the fragile and unworthy.


Worshipping the Mare-Night is often done within assassin groups that double as cults, as well as hunting groups, and the occasional lone serial killer and lone forest person on their own.

Due to their secretive nature, there might be anywhere from 3 to 100 standing cults of the Mare, but only somebody initiated in those circles and sufficiently high-ranking could tell you the exact number. (and that information most certainly has a steep price.) But for now, there are three major "Semi-open" groups that relatively plenty of men and women who know of the Secret Arts know about:

  • 1:Society Of The Blessed Arrows: Moth A small group of forest cultists who subsist on what the chaos of nature grants them every day,and do some shady business on the side. They generally refer to the Mare as an "It", and see her as an animal.
  • 2:The Nightmare Company Edge A secretive squad which has aided many politically motivated murderers in the past. They are thought to be gone, and they are not- They're just known to have some unusual demands for their deeds nowadays. They generally refer to the Mare as a "He".
  • 3:Kelpie's Mane Society Edge A massive society spanning many linked cults (and Long), with their original HQ in Ireland. The true extent of their influence is not known, but it is said that they hold, at least, the near-entirety of the British Isles. In contrast to most smaller Mare-Cults, the Kelpie's Mane is mostly integrated by artists, nobles and the rich. They are considered rebels among the Mare's worshippers due to their decision to remain integrated in society even after their "transformation" has taken hold. They generally refer to the Mare as a "She".


  1. Temptation: The Hunt: I've seen something, walking the Wood. A silhouette through the trees. I heard the howls of those which lurk in the shadows, and the final screams of those less fortunate than I.

I know there's something there for me.

  1. Dedication: The Hunt: Most humans would refuse, yet the beast within desires.
  2. Ascension: The Predator: First I must learn to walk unseen, as a tiger stalks in the undergrowth. I can't help but notice how my skin hardly fits me anymore.
  3. Ascension: The Predator: I hear her calls for sacrifice as i do the cries of a newborn or the footsteps of a stranger. They're irresistible. I am growing restless.
  4. Ascension: The Predator: Every passing day i feel more and more like a wild animal. I wander in the depths of the night, patrolling this corner of the world that is mine. I cannot smile in public anymore.
  5. Ascension: The Predator: The mirror fears my silhouette. The dark corners of the city whisper my name in hushed tones with trembling lips. I've come to know i cannot live among people anymore - But i no longer desire the company of my prey.


The Mare uses her servants as personal bodyguards, and agents. Most of her deeds aren't done by her hand. All but one are her most prized men, ones who excel at the arts of breaking bodies and minds.


Valerius, Scourge Promised

'Challenge me!'
Devourer 12
Edge 12
Moth 12
Summon a wrathful Name of the Hunter's Moon
The Scourge Promised is a double-edged sword to summon, but if i want to run the risk, i could call him to me with the promise of a challenge, and a little reminder of his master...
The Champion before me stands tall, with the body of a man and the head of a war-horse. He could tear me apart, with ease, if he desired. The armored steed under him stares at me with a distant gaze.
Moth 5
Edge 10
Knock 2

Justine, Saturnian

'I have no words to say. I hope you do, too.'
Deceiver 12
Edge 12
Winter 12
Summon a chilling Name of the Mare-Night
The Saturnian is not a Name who answers, often, to calls. But perhaps the offer of a quiet atmosphere and a good story might lure her out of hiding, for a time.
When Justine speaks, all fall silent. Her hair is white as the first snow. Her halo is like a hundred crystal-shard rings in all tones of beige and blue. The pale unicorn she rides cries in ice and sky, and I fear the day she smiles at me once more.
SH 5
Winter 10
Knock 2

Alastor, The Blight-Father

'Now, we choose who lives, and who dies.'
Deceiver 12
Winter 12
Knock 12
Summon a scientific Name of the Crownslayer
It is rare for a Champion of the Mare-Night to maintain this amount of humanity. A chilly atmosphere and some good wine should convince him to spend some time with us.
The Blight-Father adjusts his bird mask, running a hand over the reeds of the kelpie below him, whose skull, exposed by rot, is covered with colourful mushrooms. I know better than to drink with him, as i could wake in an alley with a searing fever and rags for clothing.
Grail 5
Winter 10
Knock 2

[Name Pending]

[Old Description] - An once-mortal, now under the servitude of the Mare. A particularly sadistic executioner of the old times, with a particular penchant for cannibalism and starvation. Deeply religious, he would starve heretics by feeding them only their own flesh and blood- And would feast on his own skin when he dared to stray from his path. Inquestionably insane, questionably effective. But the Mare holds his leash with pride anyway. Grail12 Moth7

He is described as a very pale, famished, almost-white young man with an empty amber stare of madness, covered in self-inflicted scars. There's not a hair on his body aside from his eyebrows and hair (which is long, straight and red). He has remarkably long fangs. He rides on a freakishly tall, famished Arabian stallion, whose bones can be seen through the skin. Its hair is white and patchy, and its eyes share the same maddening empty stare of its rider.

Mabel, The Wordweaver

'I've conquered hundreds like you... Do you want to be next?'
Deceiver 12
Lantern 12
Knock 12

|verb = Work |title = Summon a mysterious Half-Name-Emanation of the Mare-Night |start_description = Not quite a person, not quite a Name. The Wordweaver's mind-breaking charms could be attracted to me with the right amount of enlightenment, and some promise of pleasures... |description = Mabel needs no words to exert her influence. Only a confident smile. She pushes a curly bang away from her eye and poses for me. The white qilin with her looks at me with curiosity. For a second, i thought i caught a glimpse of a bushy tail under her skirt. |aspect0 = Ritual |aspect1 = Grail |quantity1 = 5 |aspect2 = Lantern |quantity2 = 10 |aspect3 = Knock |quantity3 = 2 |fansus = 3

...Yes, they do have detachable heads. All of them.


Long of the Mare are, essentially, Edge-aspected apex predators. They are given many animal characteristics, varying by their personality, but these traits are universal:

  • Some form of venom (Delivery system varies - from different kinds of snake fangs to little spurs on their hands.)
  • Something to assist them while fighting head-on. (Claws, spikes, armour, etc, even stuff like the ability to give electric shocks)
  • Some form of extra sense. (Ability to sense body heat, to see in the dark, to see through hearing, etc)
  • Some form of threat display, just to be scary. (Markings that can be made to glow, a cobra-like hood, eyes that change colours, etc)

However, the Mare-Longs' most notable ability is their adaptability. If they spend too long around the sea, they might grow gills or fins. If they live in the mountains, they might grow wings or gliders. If they spend too much time in the woods, they'll find claws or a tail growing on them. This even applies to the city - Even if most of them prefer to live in natural places, those who stay in the city are stealthy - their traits become easily concealable and their instincts repressed (To an extent, that is).

Notable Servants

Eoghan Clawsong [Tiger + Snake] is an Irish painter who lives as a stealth-Long in the city. He is known for being extremely eccentric and doing somewhat occult art, though he's flown under the radar of the Bureau for some time now. Most of his beast traits aren't very visible, and he generally keeps his animal habits at home - but sometimes he slips, too. He is a member of a secretive, wide-reaching Mare cult known as the "Kelpie's Mane", and works as one of their recruiters. His tests are particularly merciless.


The Fansus

The Histories







About the Wassail

How They Feel

Who They Blame

What They Hide

Do you really trust a goddess of murder in a crime scene?
